2 curious recipes of onions to surprise

The onion It is an indispensable food in the kitchen and is part of many recipes to which it provides flavor, broths, soups, stews, fish dishes, meat, sauces, marinades, stir-fries, salads or with vegetables. There are different shapes, flavors, sizes and colors, the sweetest are the white onions and the most picantones the violets.

In addition, from a nutritional point of view, we can say that the onion is rich in water, fiber, vitamins of group B, A, C and E, minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine and iron. .

Do you know how it is possible to reduce the intense flavor of the onion if you want to eat them raw? Very simple: you only have to scald them a few minutes in boiling water or leaving them to soak in cold water.

The recipes we provide below will be prepared with onions and onions, the latter highlighted by their delicate flavor.

Stuffed onions

To prepare this recipe we will have to put an onion or two for each diner. We prepare the recipe with 2 onions, as for two people. The stuffed onions They are a very nutritious dish, it is very rich and they are easy to make.


  • 2 rather large onions.
  • Egg
  • A slice of bread without crust.
  • 2 tablespoons of milk.
  • 100 gr. of minced and cooked pork.
  • A few leaves of minced parsley.
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 slices of Gruyer cheese.
  • 2 tablespoons grated Gruyer cheese.
  • A pinch of ground black pepper.
  • Salt.
  • A little butter to grease the tray or source.


We put the slice of soaking with milk. Once it is well soaked we shred it and reserve it. We put the oven to preheat with a temperature of 180ºC with heat up and down.

We remove the skin to the onions and wash them well. We put the onions to scald in a cauldron with boiling water and a little salt. We boil about 5 minutes.

Drain the onions and let them cool a little. Carefully cut the onions in half and with the help of a spoon we extract the pulp to make a hole and fill them.

We reserve the pulp. In a pan put a little oil to sauté the minced pork. We browned the meat well without stopping to stir.

We remove from the fire, put it in a bowl and reserve it. The pulp of the onion we had reserved chopped it and mixed it with the meat and bread soaked. We also add the minced parsley, the ground black pepper, the grated cheese, the salt, and stir to mix.

With the help of a spoon we are taking a little of this mixture and filling the onions. We put on top of each onion a slice of Gruyer cheese.

We grease the bottom of a tray or source with a little butter and put the onions to cook in the oven for half an hour, until they are golden brown.

We remove the tray from the oven, we arrange the stuffed onions in individual plates or in a tray.

Stuffed onions are ideal to accompany fish dishes, meat, rice, pasta, sautéed vegetables.

Onions with raisins

The onions have a very delicate flavor and this recipe " onions with raisins " It is very rich, they are ideal to accompany rice dishes, pasta, meat, fish, grilled vegetables or salad.


  • Half a kilo of onions
  • A few sprigs of fresh cut thyme.
  • 30 grams of raisins without seeds.
  • 160 ml. of homemade or industrial vegetable broth.
  • 75 ml. of white wine.
  • A pinch of ground black pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Warm water.


We put the soaking raisins in a bowl with warm water. In a pot we put the scallions to scald in boiling water with a little salt for about 5 minutes. After the time, we drain the onions well and place them in a cauldron.

We put a little salt on the onions, a pinch of ground black pepper, the minced thyme and the white wine. We cook with high heat so that the wine evaporates, we put out the fire and reserve.

In a saucepan heat the broth. We add the hot broth to the onions, cover the cauldron and cook the onions for half an hour with moderate heat.

Drain the raisins well. When the onions are tender add the drained raisins.

Cook the onions for 8 more minutes.

We extinguish the fire and we have ready our onions with raisins to taste them accompanied by the garnish that we have chosen, with white rice they are very rich.