4 natural remedies to improve the sore throat
The most likely thing is that on some occasion throughout our lives we have gone through some other sore throat. Sore throat occurs when there is inflammation in the larynx or pharynx and that can originate from various causes.
Sudden changes in temperature, low temperatures, exposing ourselves to the cold little warm, pollution, snuff, the symptoms that accompany an allergy, a cold, the flu, can predispose us to suffer from throat irritation.
Other causes could also cause throat irritation such as cough, heartburn, environmental dryness, dry mucous membranes.
The irritation of the throat is accompanied by various symptoms such as pain when swallowing, itching in the throat, hoarse voice, earache when swallowing, it can also be accompanied by a cough and a blocked nose.
When the sore throat lasts more than 48 hours, it is very strong and we also have high fever or breathing difficulties, we must go to the doctor to make the timely review and prescribe the treatment. The throat irritation tends to improve in about 4 days.
The discomfort of having an irritated throat can be improved by resorting to the care and natural remedies that we can prepare at home and with which we will undoubtedly notice how we are improving by making those days more passable.
Home remedies against throat irritation
One of the important remedies against throat irritation and that we can not ignore is gargles. Gargles prepared with different ingredients will help to cleanse the throat, disinfect it, reduce inflammation, soften it and relieve pain caused by both irritation and inflammation.
Gargling with vinegar
To prepare gargles with vinegar we need a cup of water that should be warm, a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of salt. With the help of a spoon, stir well the mixture.
We gargle trying to keep the preparation at the bottom of the throat as long as possible, without swallowing it. After each gargarism we expel him. Vinegar gargles can be repeated 3 times a day.
Salvia Gargling
Sage has antibiotic properties that will help to heal and relieve sore throat. The sage gargles will be prepared by making an infusion with this plant.
We put 200 ml or a cup of water to heat. Once it boils, add the two teaspoons of sage, and let boil 2 minutes.
Turn off the heat, cover, and let the infusion rest for 10 minutes. We strain the infusion, we add a teaspoon of salt and let cool.
Then we can already gargle. Salvia gargles can be done 3 or 4 times a day.
Gargle of warm water with salt and lemon
To prepare these gargles we need a glass of hot water, the juice of a lemon and a tablespoon of coarse salt. Add the coarse salt to the glass of hot water and dissolve with the help of a spoon.
Once it is dissolved we add the lemon juice. When the preparation is lukewarm we can gargle. These gargles can be made 3 times a day.
Garlands of propolis
The propolis helps us to reduce throat inflammation, relieve itching as well as improve and clarify the voice in cases of hoarseness. To prepare these garlands of propolis we need extract of propolis that we can get in the herbalists or stores of natural products, parapharmacies.
This preparation of gargles with propolis differs from the previous gargarismos in that we can swallow it. We need a cup of hot water and 8 drops of propolis extract, stir to dilute well.
We gargle and we can swallow it. Gargles of propolis we can make them twice a day. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.