Addiction to purchases. Causes and possible solutions

A capitalist society encourages compulsive buying on many occasions. Some people are so subject to it that they end up developing the compulsive shopping syndrome wave addiction to purchases. But what symptoms do these people usually have and what are the causes of it?

A careful management of the purchases we make and a psychological and moral treatment can be good solutions to end this addiction.

What responds to this syndrome?

People who suffer from this addiction are not able to manage the impulses that make them end up buying practically everything. Although the disease affects people of different ages, there are some buying groups that may be more exposed to this syndrome.

This is the case of the youngest, who perceive a large amount of information per day about services and products that can be purchased. When they become addicted, they are somewhat easier to control and overcome this problem than other older age groups.

People who buy compulsively do not look at the price. It is also common that they buy one or another item without needing them, in fact, some garments do not even make their debut. Specialists determine that if this problem is not addressed in time can have serious consequences, both economically and psychologically, and can last for many years throughout life.

Causes of compulsive shopping

Like other psychological diseases, there are several causes that lead people to buy in an exaggerated way. There are certain degrees and each one will have a different possible cause.

Discounts and discounts

Although the compulsive buyer spends all year and without looking at the money, the times of sales and offers often attract the attention of these people. On the one hand, they see in these discounted products the opportunity to buy without measure, and on the other, to acquire everything they do not really need but buy it for its reduced price. The satisfaction and pleasure they feel, once the purchase is made, become symptoms of this addiction.

Consumption, society

Continuous messages aimed at buying and spending negatively affect these people. So much that the consumerism ends up being one of the main causes of why they make these purchases. Society is marking complicated parameters to carry for addicts.


This addiction is strongly linked to other kinds of problems. One of the causes of compulsive purchases is to do it by the mere fact of pretending, of wanting to be better than others, of having the most expensive products and teaching them.

Some symptoms

The symptoms are also numerous. Dependents to purchases tend to have many wishes to buy before doing anything else. This usually affects other daily activities, such as working, being with children and others, so that the addicted person only wants to spend and buy.

When you can not get to buy what you want, there are symptoms related to anxiety, irritability and nervousness, which end up affecting your life and those around you.

Possible solutions to shopping addiction

In order to alleviate the causes and symptoms that appear in this disease, such as anxiety, it is vital to go to therapy to see each case in particular. First of all, it is important to recognize the addiction and feel motivated to stop it. To avoid negative thoughts and this anxiety in wanting to buy, the treatment must combine relaxation and meditation therapies, according to each case.

It is important to get to know what is the cause of this void and the desire to get more things and the pleasure that you feel once you have bought. To this we can add the behavior modification to establish measures that lead to savings and purchase by necessity and not pure pleasure.

Some practices that are usually done and use the patient is the restriction of a quantity of money so that he does not spend more than necessary, but the purpose is that he knows how to use the money in general to avoid falling into a compulsive purchase. The patient must have the support of the family or close people so that the help and treatment is global and shared. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.