Aspirin for prostate cancer

Who has not ever taken an aspirin when I had a simple headache? Or when the tooth hurt after going to the dentist? The truth is that it is one of the most consumed drugs in the world because it can be take without medical prescription and its effects are usually quite immediate. Although as with any drug, we should not abuse its use either.

Deepening a bit in the history of acetylsalicylic acid, it is worth mentioning that this drug was invented by Felix Hoffman in the year 1897, a Swiss pharmacist who began to deal with chemistry and its effects from a very young age. When he finished his graduation in this field, he started develop the prescription of aspirin with different drugs with which he got a mix of the purest and most effective.

In fact, because of their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, the Bayer company bought the rights to this drug to start commercializing it as soon as possible. As early as 1928, aspirin as we know it today began to be consumed in half the world.

Advantages of taking aspirin

Once this is known, we will continue to investigate all the advantages offered by this drug, which is undoubtedly one of the most iconic in the world of medicine thanks in part to the number of applications it has. In this way, we will certainly clarify all the myths and lies that surround this medicine:

Reduces the occurrence of heart failure

It has been scientifically proven that a moderate consumption of aspirin can reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack or myocardial infarction. The reason? Well, because thanks to this medication, you can avoid the platelets or red blood cells are accumulated by all our vessels and arterys that can later derive in blockages or clots.

In this sense, the consumption of an aspirin is recommended every 24 hours to at least try to reduce the risk of suffering this pathology that is increasingly common in our society.

It can prevent cancer

The consumption of aspirin is also related to the prevention of some cancers, among which are the colon and prostate. At the end of this article we will talk more extensively about this disease so that everything is more than clear.

In a recent study of the Oxford University a monitoring was carried out of all those who took this drug with some regularity and it was concluded that it considerably reduced the appearance of this drug. mismatch that directly affects cell growth.

Beware of pregnant women

However, the consumption of aspirin can also have a series of contraindications, especially for pregnant women. And is that by encouraging blood flow throughout the body, this can cause that sometimes produce hemorrhages what can they have negative consequences on the health of the fetus.

In short, being a medically made chemical compounds, from NatureVia we recommend that you contact your doctor in case you have any to time to use it to treat any pain or condition.

Why does aspirin prevent prostate cancer?

As we have explained in the second point, Aspirin is also a powerful ally to prevent cancer. And for this reason, we will explain below why its consumption is recommended for all those men who suffer from prostate cancer.

In this regard, it should be noted that the Acetylsalicylic acid blocks the "COX II" protein which is responsible for producing the cancer cells in this part of the body. Hence, its consumption is recommended to all those people of male gender who suffer from this disease.

In one way or another, from NatureVia we recommend that all Men over 50 get a medical checkup every two years at their trusted urologist so you can detect your symptoms as soon as possible and act accordingly. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesAnti-inflammatory Cancer

Low-Dose Aspirin and Reduced Risk for Cancer Metastasis (April 2024)