Benefits and properties of grapefruit
The grapefruit is, along with orange and lemon, one of the most popular and popular citrus that exist. Although many often confuse it with grapefruit, the truth is that we are actually faced with a fruit that is the result of the mixture between orange and grapefruit. It has its origin in the West Indies, where both its cultivation and obviously its consumption was very common. Specifically, we find his birth on the island of Barbados, where mentions have been found that barely date from 300 years ago, so undoubtedly we are faced with a food in a certain novelty although 3 centuries have already elapsed since its origin .
Grapefruit trees can reach more than 9 meters in height. They produce leaves of a characteristic dark green color, in which we can also find other equally characteristic flowers of white color, with yellow barks. In relation to the pulp of the fruit, as with grapefruit, tends to form in segments of red or pink, so that when it is squeezed and obtained in the form of juice its color reminds a lot of grapefruit.
The most important benefits of grapefruit
High content of vitamin C
As with almost all citrus fruits, among which we can mention lemon, grapefruit or orange, grapefruit stands out for its high content of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that as you surely know it is useful in the months of autumn and winter to help us fight the symptoms of influenza and strengthen our defenses, reduces inflammatory processes, prevents heart disease and cancer.
In fact, 100 grams of grapefruit provide 31.2 mg. of vitamin C. It is a somewhat smaller amount than for example the one provided by the lemon, which in particular is 53 mg. of vitamin C per 100 grams. However, grapefruit is, as we see, an excellent source of vitamin C.
Provides naringenin, which would help prevent cancer
In addition to the qualities that vitamin C appears to have in cancer prevention, it has been found that the grapefruit contributes naringenina. It consists of a natural agent that helps repair the DNA structure, which would help reduce the mutation in the cells and therefore would be interesting in the prevention of cancer.
In this sense, some scientific studies have found that this compound present in grapefruit was very useful in the repair of cancer cells present in the prostate.
Helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides
If you have the high cholesterol or the high triglycerides, there is no doubt that grapefruit becomes a very interesting fruit when it comes to reduce high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Thus It is an ideal food to protect and take care of the heart.
Some scientific studies have found that eating a grapefruit a day helps reduce by 15% the high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and by 27% the level of triglycerides.
Ideal for weight loss
As with grapefruit, grapefruit is a very interesting fruit when it comes to reducing weight. Why? The truth is that this benefit is found by the presence of large amounts of potassium and certain enzymes which help burn fats completely naturally.
On the other hand, grapefruit is very rich in water, so that it helps improve metabolism and, therefore, is useful in weight reduction. In addition, it is a low calorie fruit, so that 100 grams of grapefruit contribute only 42 calories.
Very good for skin health
At the beginning of this section we emphasized that grapefruit is surprising precisely because of its richness in vitamin C. Therefore, when this fruit is applied to the skin, it helps eliminate skin blemishes caused by excessive production of pigments.
To enjoy this quality you only have to cut a grapefruit in half, sprinkle some sugar on top of it (to benefit from its exfoliating benefits), and apply on the skin with gentle massages. Then rinse the skin and cleanse. It is a very interesting natural remedy, but you should only do it at night, because by day it could stain your skin.
Recipe for making grapefruit juice
To make grapefruit juice you just have to wash a grapefruit, cut it in half and squeeze it in a juicer -manual or electric- until you get all its juice. If you wish, you can sweeten with whole cane brown sugar or honey.
It is an ideal juice for breakfast, which you can accompany with your usual tea or coffee every morning. You can also combine it with the natural remedy of warm water with lemon, that it is advisable to drink on an empty stomach.
Images | Duncan Hull / Marketa This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesFruit Foods