Benefits and virtues of the sauna

At present, there is a great diversity of facilities that offer us a great variety of services for our health, as is the case of the so-called sauna sessions.

The saunas They are rooms, usually made of wood, which have a high temperature (between 80 and 100 degrees approximately), so that our body must work to keep cold.

It is a healthy and recommended option when we want to eliminate toxins and purify our body. But it is not suitable for pregnant women, people with cardiovascular problems and hypertension.

What benefits does the sauna provide?

Taking into account that the temperature of the sauna is between 80 and 100 degrees, our body must work to stay cold.

This causes our heart to accelerate (accelerating its heartbeat), while accelerating the natural elimination of fluids and increasing the circulatory speed.

So there are several benefits that the sauna offers us:

  • Help our body eliminate toxins and purify naturally
  • Improves breathing
  • Improves cardiovascular function
  • Useful to increase the defenses
  • Helps fight the symptoms of stress and insomnia
  • Improves sweat response
  • Ideal for reducing cellulite

Of course, it is necessary to bear in mind that there is a significant loss of water and minerals (it is estimated that around 2 liters of water on average). So it is advisable that, once we have left the sauna, we drink an isotonic drink.

Recommendations when taking a sauna

  • It is not recommended to take more than 3 saunas a week, and more than 2 a day.
  • Each session should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • If it's your first time or you're not used to taking the sauna, stay only 10 minutes.
  • Before going into the sauna, shower with warm water and dry well.
  • To avoid dizziness, try to get up slowly.
  • Once you have finished and left the sauna, shower with cold water, always from the extremities towards the center of the body.

Image | thomaswanhoff This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesRelaxation

Abdal Hakim Murad: Medical Benefits of the Sunnah (March 2024)