Cane molasses: what it is, benefits, properties and uses

If you are looking for natural options to sweeten your dishes, drinks and desserts, especially when replacing the unhealthy white sugar, especially noteworthy is the panela as the molasses cane. The first has the advantage that it can be used simply by scraping the solid block of cane sugar, while the second is characteristic for having a liquid and thick appearance that reminds a lot of honey, although it is true that its color is much darker . Reason why it is also known as cane honey.

It consists of a dark colored liquid with a thick texture, which is the result of boiling the juice of the sugarcane, which helps the water evaporate and the different natural sugars of the fruit concentrate in it. For this reason, citric acid is produced in submerged fermentation. This sugar is evaporated until its water content is almost completely eliminated, and a texture similar to that of honey is obtained.

What is molasses or cane molasses?

Cane molasses is the result of boiling the juice of sugarcane, whose process helps to evaporate the water and concentrate in it the different natural sugars of the fruit.

This sugar is evaporated until it is obtained a texture similar to honey bee. It also stands out for its thickness and its characteristic color, so that the darker the molasses, the more nutrients it will have.

Benefits of cane molasses

Since cane molasses is a product derived from sugarcane, it provides all the essential nutrients that sugarcane gives us in its natural version. Your benefits are the following:

Energy contribution, ideal for athletes

It gives us energy, necessary for the correct development of all metabolic processes. Therefore, it is interesting to use it in athletes and in all those who need extra energy.

Rich in iron, recommended for people with anemia

Cane molasses is notable for its high iron content. In fact, two tablespoons of cane molasses provide 14% of the recommended daily amount of iron, a mineral essential to provide oxygen to our blood cells.

Therefore, its use is recommended in people with anemia, and particularly in pregnant women.

Sweetener recommended for people with diabetes

Until recently it was common for diabetics to use only saccharin or aspartame. Two products on which there are doubts due to the safety of their long-term consumption, as recent scientific studies have shown.

Therefore, it is best to replace these two artificial sweeteners with other more natural options, such as cane molasses. In fact, molasses has a moderate glycemic load of 55.

Interesting for people who want to lose weight

In addition to its low glycemic content (which stands out for being moderate), it also provides few calories and has no fat. In fact, a serving of cane molasses provides only 32 calories and no fat, which makes it an interesting sweetening option for those who follow a diet and want to lose weight.

Beneficial for hair and skin health

The cane molasses provides an interesting amount of copper. In fact, only two tablespoons of cane molasses contribute 14% of the recommended daily amount of copper.

Copper is a beneficial trace element when it comes to helping to rebuild the structure of the skin, improves hair quality and even helps restore the original hair color.

Interesting combination of calcium and magnesium

It is always appropriate that calcium and magnesium go hand in hand, mainly because magnesium helps our body to absorb calcium better. In the case of cane molasses this combination is ideal to help in the growth and development of both the bones and the teeth, ideal to prevent osteoporosis.

A natural laxative

If you have constipation problems it is interesting that you opt for cane molasses as a sweetener. It is a natural food that helps to soften the stool naturally, helping to improve the regularity and quality of intestinal transit.

Nutritional properties of cane molasses

There is no doubt that cane molasses is a natural and healthy food, especially recommended to replace other less healthy sweeteners, such as white sugar. Did you know that the darker the cane molasses, the more nutrients it will have? We find in it the following essential nutrients:

  • Carbohydrates: as we mentioned before, fundamental for the production of energy.
  • Vitamins: especially B vitamins (especially vitamin B6).
  • Minerals: like magnesium, calcium, copper, iron and potassium.

Do not you think they are interesting benefits and nutritional properties to replace white sugar, saccharin or aspartame in your diet ?.

Main uses of cane molasses

The main use of molasses is culinary, used above all as a sweetener and sweetener. It is a very interesting alternative to white sugar, especially when you are preparing desserts or sweet dishes. It is delicious when it comes to sweetening sauces or drinks.

Its use is also interesting when it is spread on toast, yogurt, fruit or cheese.

Images | Hafiz Issadeen / wes hill This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

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