Coffee with honey: benefits and properties

Millions of coffee machines are prepared every morning in many houses in our country and in other countries practically all over the world. And there is no doubt: the coffee It is one of the most consumed beverages. We are very coffee growers. In most of the occasions it is drunk for pleasure, although it can also be taken simply by habit or routine.

We could say that time does not pass in vain for the taste of coffee. As you surely know, fresh coffee has a bitter natural taste. But only when it comes to a coffee fresh out of the coffee machine, as the minutes go by and it begins to cool and that time goes by that bitter taste is lost, little by little. Especially when it is reheated. This is the flavor that 'hits' a lot of people, and in fact tends not to like much. Hence, in most cases, the cup of coffee is sweetened, usually with sugar.

While it is true that, in reality, there are many Benefits of coffee alone and without sugar, that bitter taste can be very strong or even unpleasant for many people, so sweetening it is a quick and easy option to eliminate it easily. But what is the sweetener that is used? Except in rare cases, when any sweetener is used because there may be some type of contraindication (for example in case of diabetes, slimming diets or when you do not want to consume another sweetener), in most of the occasions you choose refined sugar. But nevertheless, Have you thought about sweetening coffee with honey?.

Sweeten coffee with honey

In recent years sweeten coffee with honey is becoming a popular choice to sweeten coffee, especially by become a much more natural sweetener and also with many more advantages to be assimilated by our body, taking into account in turn the benefits and properties it provides.

And, if we think about it, why is it normal to pour two or three teaspoons of white sugar into the coffee, and not honey, which is a much more recommended and healthy sweetener? We must think definitively about the habits and the routine that has meant that every morning we prepare the coffee machine, we serve the coffee in our favorite cup and we add sugar.

Benefits of coffee with honey

  • Drink very rich in antioxidants: If coffee is extremely rich in polyphenols, when we add honey as a sweetener this quality increases thanks to the antioxidant capacity of this natural food. In this regard, many studies have found that the darker honey contains more antioxidants. As you know, antioxidants are essential when it comes to reducing the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Digestive drink:
  • Ideal to activate us: coffee is a stimulating drink that helps us to activate and raise our alertness, being useful in turn to improve concentration for longer. When we sweeten with honey we also contribute natural sugars, which is why its energy power increases.
  • A good drink for athletes: especially in endurance athletes, since coffee increases muscle power. In addition, it helps to enjoy a better physical performance of resistance during the celebration of competitions.
  • Strengthens our immune system: coffee is very rich in polyphenols, natural antioxidants that help protect our immune system. In addition, honey helps to strengthen it naturally.

How to prepare coffee with honey

For make coffee with honey in reality you should follow the same steps you usually follow to prepare your coffee every day. To do this, prepare your coffee maker with your favorite ground coffee, put on fire and heat until it rises and is made.

Then serve it in a cup or glass and before it cools add one or two teaspoons of honey. Maybe the taste seems curious, but you'll get used to it.

Images | Pete / Purple Sherbet Photography / Sam Howzit This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesCoffee

Why Honey Is Healthier Than Sugar (April 2024)