Consequences of the change of time for health, effects and how to avoid it

Every year, there is an official Time change according to the arrival or beginning of two main seasons: spring on the one hand, and autumn on the other, with the main objective of save energy and lighting (In fact, from the public administrations it is indicated that with this change of timetables a 5% in the cost of lighting is saved).

Even though the arrival of a new station can have consequences or effects on healthIt is true that our body tends to suffer more with the arrival of both spring and summer. And the change of time has a lot to do in this sense, at the same time as the transition from a cold season to a warmer one, and vice versa.

The truth is that the arrival of spring, leaving aside the spring allergies, involves an increase in sunlight and a weather change at a meteorological level that usually tends to get better (the weather is better, the sun comes out and nature flourishes), which translates into improving our mood and we tend to feel more optimistic (it is said that spring alters blood).

But the arrival of autumn is usually worse, because the defenses tend to suffer and the arrival of a colder time means that our body is more predisposed to get sick from colds or flu.

Main consequences of the change of time for health

There is no doubt that an increasing number of experts are against these time changes. On the one hand, the IDAE (Public Business Entity of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce) estimates that the savings in lighting in homes is 5%. On the other hand, many doctors talk about its not so positive consequences for health, since with the change of schedule our biological clock is altered. Its effects on our health are more than evident:

  • Changes in mood and mood: it is usual that the people who are most affected by the change of time feel a greater irritability. It is common for us to feel more depressed, anxious and in turn with a low mood.
  • Sleeping problems: it is evident that after a change of time a disturbance of sleep occurs. The result? We rest worse and less time, which influences our mood, hence we feel more angry and irritated.
  • Worse physical performance: It is common to feel some general fatigue, feeling more tired. It is normal that after a change of time it costs us more to do the daily tasks that we carry out normally.
  • Worse intellectual performance: the feeling of general fatigue translates into greater difficulty for intellectual concentration, which affects both our study and our work.

How to prevent the effects of the change of time in health

Health experts coincide in pointing out that most of the Consequences of the change of time in health they are of a transitory nature, so that in a few days it is usual for the person to have readjust their biological rhythm.

However, it is always possible prevent the effects of the change of time on health, following some tips or health habits as simple as basic:

  • Progressive adaptation: one week before each change of schedule you can delay or anticipate daily activities, especially meals and the time we get up and go to bed. So, for example, if in spring the hour is ahead, and in winter it is delayed, the key is to anticipate that advance or delay one week before each time change. How? With 15 minutes every 2 or 3 days or only in the previous 4 days.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyleFollow a balanced diet and maintain a healthy and healthy diet. Drink plenty of water and opt for fresh, natural foods.
  • Practice physical exercise: it will help you enjoy a good mood and that your health does not suffer after the change of season.

Why is the time change made?

Regarding why the change of time is made we must go back to a few centuries ago, when in 1784 Benjamin Franklin noted on a visit to Paris that the French saved on candles by just getting up earlier.

However, it was not until 1905 when the English builder William Willett conceived the summer time during a horseback ride before breakfast, at which point he was surprised to think how many Londoners slept during the best part of a summer day. That was how in 1907 he proposed a change of schedule, which was not applied immediately.

Nowadays, to the question of why the time change is made, we should talk almost exclusively about the energy saving.

Already in 1999, the European Commission carried out a study that allowed it to verify that this measure has positive impacts on savings.In fact, IDAE (Public Business Entity of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce) estimates that energy savings from the end of March to the end of October would represent 5%: per household would be only 6 euros, but more than 60 million euros for the set of homes.

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