Consequences of tobacco

You could almost say that the tobacco It is one of the most important legalized drugs that exist, and one of the biggest concerns for many health authorities in practically the entire world.

There are several consequences of tobacco, which negatively affects the health not only of those people who smoke daily or a cigarette every so often, but even for those who do not smoke (referred to as pasive smokers).

For this reason, there is no doubt that give up smoking It represents one of the most fundamental steps that smokers can take not only to protect their health, but to protect the health of those around them.

On this occasion, we approach precisely those consequences that he tobacco, causes health.

Consequences of tobacco

  • Respiratory system: It is the most affected by the habitual consumption of tobacco. Among other aspects, the tobacco It can lead to diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary emphysema, chronic obstructions. And the most dangerous: lung cancer, larynx and pharynx.
  • Digestive system: Generally increases the risk of gastritis, cancer of the stomach and mouth, ulcers and heartburn.
  • Circulatory system: Since nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, it increases the heart rate and increases blood pressure. Tobacco also contains carbon monoxide, alters the walls of the arteries and the correct oxygenation of the cells. Therefore, it increases the risk of myocardial infarction, chest angina, hypertension, heart failure and arteriosclerosis.
  • Genital apparatus: It is known that tobacco can cause lack of blood supply. Hence, that male smokers appear loss of libido and impotence. In addition, we must not forget that fertility decreases, increasing the risk of premature birth, abortion, or the proper development of the fetus.

In this case, it may be interesting to ask: what are you waiting for to stop smoking?

More information | National Cancer Institute / Consumer EROSKI

Smoking Causes Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema (October 2024)