Contraindications of chamomile: when it is not appropriate to take it

The chamomile It is one of the most popular and known medicinal plants that exist as a natural remedy when it comes to relieving different and different digestive and stomach problems. For example, it becomes a traditional remedy recognized in case of gas and flatulence, while helping to make digestion better (being useful, therefore, if you suffer from indigestion or heavy digestion).

Known with the names of common chamomile or Roman chamomile, and with the scientific name of Matricaria recutita, the truth is that the chamomile It is a plant that enjoys a recognized popularity. It belongs to the family Compositae, and is easily recognizable by its sweet aroma and its characteristic small white flowers.

As regards the benefits of chamomile, as we indicated in the previous lines, we are facing a plant with Recognized stomach and digestive action, so that it helps in case of indigestion or digestive inflammations, being useful to relieve gases or the symptoms related to gastritis.

It is interesting its use as relaxing, thanks to the fact that it provides a sedative effect that makes it an ideal option in case of anxiety, insomnia, stress or nervousness.

In fact, in relation to this quality, it is very common for many moms to put a little chamomile in their baby's bottles when they are a bit nervous (it's about sure you know one of the most common natural remedies with chamomile).

In case of cold or of sore throat Chamomile is also very appropriate, although the truth is that we are faced with two not so popular or popular qualities. On this occasion its use in the form of vapors is useful. How? Very simple: covering your head with the help of a towel and breathing your infusion.

Who can not take chamomile?

An appropriate option when it comes to enjoying the different benefits of this plant is developing a Chamomile infusion, which is elaborated very simply: you only need to put in a saucepan the equivalent of a cup of water and bring to a boil.

Just when the water starts to boil add a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers, and leave to boil. After 3 minutes turn off the fire, strain and drink.

However, despite being a medicinal herb very beneficial for both health in general and for the treatment of certain ailments or problems, the truth is that they should always be taken into account what are the contraindications of chamomile:

  • Pregnant: the essential oil of chamomile exerts a uterotonic effect, being able to cause abortion.
  • Children under 5 years old: due to the allergenic power of the different components found in chamomile essential oil, the consumption of this oil in children under 5 years of age is not recommended.
  • People allergic to chamomile: the consumption neither of the infusion of chamomile nor of its essential oils to people allergic to chamomile is recommended.
  • People allergic to pollen: the consumption of chamomile in people with allergy to pollen, allergic rhinitis or allergy to ambrosia and chrysanthemum is not advised.
This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesMedicinal plants

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