Creatine and creatinine: what are its main differences


  • What is creatinine?
  • Normal values
  • Creatinine clearance
  • Low creatinine
  • How to lower high creatinine

It is very common that when performing a blood test, and especially when collecting results, when reading the different parameters measured and the different values ​​tend to confuse us about high creatinine and another very common element especially in the life of athletes: the creatine.

In fact, how many times have we not been wrong when talking about them or asking the doctor? It is true that they are two different elements or substances, but in fact they have many things in common (and not only the name, which by the way is tremendously similar).

To begin with, we must bear in mind that Creatine is a chemical that is found in the body, more specifically in the muscles. This substance is produced by the body itself and can also be obtained and incorporated from the consumption of meat and fish or tablets made in a laboratory.

Creatine is generally used to improve the physical performance of athletes, increasing muscle mass, and older adults. To achieve such a reason, the use of sports drinks that contain creatine is currently very fashionable.

In addition to improving athletic performance, creatine is also used to combat: heart failure, depression, bipolar disorder, Parkinson's disease, muscle and nerve diseases, an eye disorder called gyrate and atrophy for cholesterol high.

It is also used to delay the effects of diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, rheumatic arthritis, McArdle's disease and many muscular dystrophies.

But nevertheless, Creatinine is a waste product of metabolism that our body produces more or less constantly, which is finally filtered by our kidneys and excreted through the urine. It does have something in common with creatine, and that is Creatinine is a compound that is obtained from the degradation of creatine.

That is, in short, while creatine is made up of three amino acids (known by the names of glycine, arginine and methionine), creatinine is simply a residue product of the degradation of muscles, and that is eliminated by the kidneys.

Why is the analysis of creatinine so important?

As we have told you at other times, The analysis of creatinine in blood is very important because it helps to find out if the kidneys are functioning properly.

The muscles produce it constantly, hence the blood values ​​of creatinine tend to remain stable over time, until some problem or kidney disorder causes their levels to rise, which can serve as a warning sign for the medical specialist as he suspects that the kidneys are not performing their functions well ...

Side effects of creatine

Below we will detail what are the contario effects that its use has as being: it can produce stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea and muscular cramps. When taken orally in high doses it could damage the kidneys, the liver or the functioning of the heart.

It can also cause dehydration since creatine forces the muscles to draw water from other parts of the body so it is not recommended to take creatine when you are exercising on a day of high temperatures.

It's more, if we abuse creatine supplements (or protein) can increase creatinine levels in the liver, what as many doctors say is not at all good for our health. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesBlood test

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