Differences between overweight and obesity

Many times these two terms get confused and we even think that it is the same disorder. An obese person is overweight, but is an overweight person obese?

To determine if a person is overweight or obese, experts use a formula we call body mass index (BMI). This formula calculates the level of fat in relation to your weight, height and height.

The formula is as follows: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m) 2. That is to say, first you calculate your weight, then you measure your height in meters and then you elevate it to the square. This way you can know what your BMI is. For example, a person weighing 58 kilos and measuring 1.60 meters could make the following formula: BMI = 58 / (1.60 × 1.60), with the result 22.66.

You already know your body mass index now let's see according to the World Health Organization (WHO) within what category you are.

Weight classification according to WHO

Here is a table that links the BMI with the weight classification:

Classification BMI (kg / m2)
Infrapeso <18,50
Normal 18,50 – 24,99
Overweight 25,00 – 29,99
Obesity ≥30,00
Obesity type I30,00 – 34,99
Obesity type II35,00 – 39,99
Obesity type III≥40,00
Obesity type IV>50

The overweight

As we have seen, overweight is immediately after "normal weight". Therefore, the same person we talked about previously with size 1.60 m and 58 kilos will be overweight when weighing 65 kilos.

As you can see, in this case 7 kilos separate us from our normal weight. Those 7 kilos that we take at Christmas and that are combined with those of summer, those that make us tummy, etc.

Being overweight is a phenomenon that we can easily fight (some more easily than others) based on improving our diet and playing sports. What these kilos are telling us is that we eat more calories than we burn.

Being overweight affects both physical and mental health. At physical levels the chances of developing hypertension and increasing blood glucose and fat while being overweight soar. However, psychically this phenomenon will also affect us.

The current canons of beauty, many far removed from reality and normality, are very present among us and even more so among adolescents. An overweight can make the mirror become our enemy and that we are not comfortable with our physical appearance. This last aspect leads to low self-esteem that can even lead to depression.

The obesity

When we talk about obesity we are talking about a chronic disease that refers to the levels of body fat. As we observed in the table, obesity is next to overweight and consists of 3 levels depending on the fat values ​​in the body. The smallest type is I and the maximum of III.

Let's say the same person of 1.60 meters, in this case to be considered obese must weigh at least 76 kilos. We are talking about 18 kilos more. It is no longer a tummy, now it is not so easy to lose those kilos just based on a balanced diet and moderate exercise, and yet it becomes vital that we lose weight for our health.

The causes that can cause this disease are varied and are never of single cause. That is, always 2 or 3 factors are combined.

Among the most common causes include: genetics (33% approximate), socioeconomic factors (at lower levels there is a higher incidence probably due to events such as not being able to afford quality food), psychological (emotional disorders), related to development (increase of the size or number of adipose cells), physical activity (sedentary lifestyle is the key to this disorder), hormones (diabetes, thyroid, etc.), lesions in the brain (in very few cases) and drugs (corticosteroids, antidepressants, etc. .)

The complications of health that are related to this disease are innumerable, but among them we would like to highlight the following: cardiovascular (varicose veins, heart attacks), arteriosclerosis, diabetes, respiratory problems, osteoarticular, digestive, gestational, sexual, neurological ... And the list has only just begun.

From NatureVia we recommend that before any decision to change diet or aggressive training you always have the opinion of the professionals. They will help you create a healthy diet according to your personal characteristics and will recommend those sports that are most beneficial to you. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesObesity

Being Overweight vs. Being Obese | Obesity (March 2024)