Do frozen fruits and vegetables lose benefits?

Within a healthy and balanced diet, it is essential and essential to consume every day fruits and vegetables, which stand out as extremely healthy foods and rich in essential nutrients, essential for the proper functioning of our body.

Many nutritionists advise consuming at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, as a way to enjoy a healthy diet and as balanced as possible. And, as you know, fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, water, fiber ... in short, all those macro and micronutrients that we need every day.

But in our daily life, in our day to day, it is usual to be assaulted by some related doubts, especially after the increase in the sale of frozen vegetables and vegetables. And is that they tend to lose nutritional benefits when they are frozen?

Is it true that frozen vegetables and fruits lose benefits?

There is some controversy in this regard, since although originally it tends to be thought otherwise, the truth is that frozen fruits and vegetables offer the same benefits and essential nutrients.

Why? Fundamentally because these foods have been bleached (that is, cooked in boiling or steaming water for a very short period of time) and frozen within a few hours of being selected at their best moment of freshness.

This is in the case that they are bleached to the fire, because in case of being frozen as such, practically their nutritional qualities are maintained. It's more, It is considered that the loss of nutrients is almost imperceptible.

On the other hand, it is true that frozen foods tend to lose some organoleptic properties, not only in terms of external appearance but also in flavor. That is to say, it is common for their flavor to be something more neutral, and their appearance is evidently not as striking as that which vegetables or fresh fruits possess.

However, this does not mean that obviously the best is always to opt for seasonal and fresh fruits and vegetables, as a way to ensure a correct contribution of both their benefits and their nutritional properties.

And what about frozen vegetables and fruits at home?

We must bear in mind that, as different scientific studies have shown, frozen foods contain almost the same amount of essential nutrients (that is, especially vitamins, minerals and fiber), that prior to the time of freezing.

Moreover, in the case of frozen vegetables, the most common is that before their freezing go through a small processing, which is a slight alteration in the food. But basically it is observed in its organoleptic qualities (taste and appearance), and not in its nutritional benefits.

How to freeze vegetables and fruits correctly?

To ensure that the food that we are going to freeze maintains all its properties it is very important to freeze it as quickly as possible. In this way we will be able to preserve their nutritional properties and, to a greater extent, their organoleptic qualities. In addition, it is equally important that the temperature reaches -40ÂșC.

But what about the foods that we freeze at home? It's actually simpler than you think. You just have to follow the steps that we discuss below:

How to freeze fruits at home:

  1. Wash the fruit you are going to freeze well. Then dry it well and divide it into rather small portions.
  2. Put the pieces of fruit cut into bags designed for freezer (those that can be sealed tightly are ideal).
  3. Close the bag well and store in the freezer.

How to freeze vegetables at home:

  1. Wash the vegetables well, better separately to get it cleaned better. Then dry it well.
  2. Cut vegetables and vegetables into pieces.
  3. Put water in a saucepan and put it on the fire. Then put ice water in another saucepan. When the water starts to boil, quickly submerge the vegetables, taking care not to burn them, and then quickly soak them in the ice water.
  4. Then dry them well and put them in freezer bags. Close them tightly, and finally store them in the freezer.

Ready! Both frozen fruits and vegetables can last up to a year in the freezer. Maintaining effectively all its virtues. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

Should We Avoid Frozen Fruits & Vegetables? Dr Michael Greger (March 2024)