Epistaxis or bleeding from the nose: causes, symptoms and treatment

Although his medical name may probably not sound as much, the truth is that the epistaxis basically consists of the bleeding from the nose or nostrils, a tremendously common condition that almost in all likelihood, we have all suffered at some point in our lives.

It is a bleeding that normally comes from a blood vessel, since the nose receives a plentiful blood supply. In fact, there are many people who, at least once in their lives, go through an episode of epistaxis.

What is epistaxis and what are its causes?

It basically consists of the nosebleed; that is, it is all hemorrhaging originating in the nasal passages. In other words, it occurs when blood comes out through the nose.

The causes of nasal bleeding can be several, although sometimes it occurs without the trigger being known or the cause that produces it.

Among the causes that could cause bleeding from the nose we highlight:

  • Injuries from blows, having some piercings, hurting yourself by picking your nose.
  • Dryness in the mucous membranes of the nose.
  • Irritations as a result of colds, allergies, sinusitis or rhinitis.
  • Excessive environmental humidity.
  • Have deviation in the nasal septum.
  • Smoke of the tabacco.
  • Having undergone a recent nasal surgery.
  • The presence of a nasal polyp.
  • Suffer from hypertension.
  • Blood clotting problems.
  • Be a diabetic

Other causes for which the nose could bleed could be the existence of some diseases such as leukemia, the presence of a tumor in the nostrils, the intake of medications, antiplatelet drugs or anticoagulants such as sintrom or aspirin.

These nosebleeds are common during childhood and adolescence and occur more frequently in men than in women.

The most frequent nosebleed is one that is qualified as previous bleeding and it occurs towards the outside of the nose, the Bleeding is out, Meanwhile he posterior bleeding is the one it is produced inward towards the throat and pharynx.

Previous epistaxis is more frequent and easier to control. In contrast, subsequent epistaxis is more difficult to control and bleeding is more abundant.

However, in most of the cases we must be calm, since epistaxis is largely benign and remits alone.

What to do when a nosebleed occurs?

In case you suffer from an episode of epistaxis of those considered mild, follow these tips or instructions can be a great help to try to stop the bleeding.

To stop bleeding from the nose, we should sit down, lean slightly forward, cover the nostrils with our fingers as if it were a tweezer and breathe through the mouth, keeping us like that with the nose covered for 8 or 10 minutes.

If in these minutes the bleeding does not stop, we can place a bit of cotton to plug the nostril that bleeds, we wait about 15 minutes more. But if after this time the bleeding does not stop we should go to the emergency doctor.

We must also see the doctor without delay when the bleeding occurs frequently and we do not know the cause.

How is the cause that caused the epistaxis diagnosed and treated?

The otorrino will do the revision or exploration of the nasal passages to look for the point where it bleeds for this exploration, the doctor usually uses a rhinoscope.

This instrument has the shape of a tube and comes with a lens and light. Sometimes the doctor resorts to the cauterization with silver nitrate applied in the area that bleeds.

You can also perform different types of nasal packing according to the cases or causes of epistaxis, after any of the treatments that the doctor has given us, we will follow your advice so that recovery is optimal. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

First Aid for Nose bleeding (April 2024)