Fear of a new abortion: useful tips to overcome fear

The statistics indicate that the abortion It is much more frequent than you think: a quarter of pregnancies end in abortion, without there necessarily being problems of infertility in the couple.

Even a woman can suffer two or more miscarriages, and yet she still has a good chance that her next pregnancies will be normal and come to term.

In fact, those same statistics indicate that 80% of women who have suffered a miscarriage will probably have a normal pregnancy in the next gestation. Even between 60 to 70% of women who have had recurrent miscarriages (ie, three or more miscarriages) will have a successful pregnancy at some time in their lives.

But when the woman goes through an abortion, the statistics serve little: she feels guilty thinking if she could have avoided it, sadness for the loss is in most cases inevitable, and the time may come when she feels empty.

When time passes and the end of the period of "rest" indicated by the gynecologist approaches, or since a long time before, both the woman and the man (in short, the couple) can feel fear of a new abortion. Although it is common that this fear arises even before the woman becomes pregnant again, the most normal thing is that it intensifies in the weeks of pregnancy when the abortion of the previous pregnancy occurred.

It is in these cases when we should ignore the statistics and try to be as positive as possible. And is that the stress and anxiety generated by the fear of a new abortion not only can cause the pregnancy late in arriving, but negatively affect the proper development of the next pregnancy.

How to face the fear of a new abortion?

Coping with an abortion is difficult, but the fear of a new abortion is greater when a new pregnancy occurs and has already gone through a loss. However, there are some guidelines and tips that can help you. They are the following:

Keep calm

Although it may be difficult, it is essential to remain calm and not lose your nerve in the face of the fear that may arise from the thought that the new pregnancy may end in an abortion. It will help you, for example, to consult all the doubts that you have with your gynecologist, so that you can face in a much more positive way the new gestation.

Speak, undo

Both at the time of the new pregnancy and when the previous abortion occurred, it is essential that you talk not only with your partner about your feelings, your feelings and thoughts, but also with your family or close friends.

Obviously, it is a mistake to make it a repetitive topic because it can become an obsession.

Follow a healthy lifestyle

If you smoke and usually drink alcohol regularly, you are somewhat overweight and do not practice physical exercise, it is probably the ideal time to quit tobacco and alcohol, do some diet and play sports. It will help you in a positive way to feel better with yourself and to face the new pregnancy in a different way.

Practice some meditation or relaxation

Relaxation exercises will be useful to try to leave your mind blank, reduce stress and eliminate all those worries you may have.

Physical exercise is always healthy, and also de-stresses

Obviously, we talk about adequate physical exercise for pregnant women; for example: walking or running slowly. In case it is a risky pregnancy, you can always ask your gynecologist; unless you have recommended rest, in this case you can choose to practice relaxation and meditation.

What do the statistics say about miscarriages?

  • 80% of women who have had a miscarriage can have a successful pregnancy next time.
  • Between 60 to 70% of women who have had recurrent miscarriages will have a successful pregnancy next time. They will have a miscarriage rate of 40% in their next pregnancy.
  • Women between 20 and 30 years old have a 12% risk of abortion; between 30 to 40 years of 15%; more than 40 years the risk increases to between 25-50%.
  • The chances of miscarriage between 12 to 20 weeks is only 3%.
  • The chances of fetal death after 20 weeks drops to only 1%.
  • After detecting the heartbeat of the embryo, spontaneous abortion is less than 4%. That is, if you hear your baby's heartbeat on ultrasound between 9 and 12 weeks, you will have little chance of miscarriage.
This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesAbortion

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