Fever in the lip: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

Although it is popularly known by the name of fever, the truth is that in reality we are facing a condition more common than you think: the herpes labialis. As you surely know, the herpes It is caused by the infection of a virus, which tends to cause some symptoms in virtually all people at some time in their lives.

This is because many people have that virus, but originally remains inactive for life. However, in other people usually appears only once, or appear frequently. It is believed that, in fact, when the virus causes some symptom is due to the existence of a weaker immune system (for example, after having passed a disease).

In fact, many experts agree that not only a decrease in the defenses influences. It can also be due to stress and anxiety, as well as even excessive sun exposure.

The contagion with this virus usually takes place mainly in the infant or juvenile stage. For example, it is very common for the infection to occur by kissing someone with the virus, or by sharing a glass.

What is labial fever?

With regard to the herpes, it is usual on the lips that the so-called herpes labialis, also know as fever.

It is a tremendously common illness caused by the herpes simplex virus type I. It is usual that the initial infection by this virus is asymptomatic, or cause the appearance of ulcers that are located in the oral mucosa. Then the virus tends to remain "inactive" or "quartered" in the tissue of the different nerves of the face.

And its name, precisely, is due to the annoying and uncomfortable symptoms it produces, since it is common to feel swelling, burning and burning in the area where the blisters have appeared.

Symptoms of labial sores

Know them fever symptoms, just like him treatment more effective, it is the most appropriate option to identify them without problems.

The fever they present the following symptom:

  • They usually appear around the lips or mouth.
  • It can also appear inside the oral cavity.
  • Burning and swelling
  • After 1 or 2 days, painful vesicles or blisters appear.

Treatment of labial temperature

The treatment for fever what helps is to alleviate the different symptom that usually appear.

Usually the doctor will prescribe a corticosteroid-based ointment. Of course, remember that self-medication is never recommended.

It is recommended that you always keep the area and lips clean, applying soap and water from time to time. You should also wash your hands well very often.

Vaseline or cocoa cream will help moisturize the area and relieve itching.

Can it be transmitted or transmitted? How can it be prevented?

You should know that the herpes virus is very contagious. Direct contagion is very common, for example, through the use of different elements that have been used by the affected person (and who at that moment have physical symptoms of the affection -mpollas-).

Among these elements we can mention some extremely common as glasses or cups, cutlery, dishes and even towels.

So, Basic prevention is to avoid this type of tools and elements when the affected person has symptoms that can be observed with the naked eye, given that it is when contagion tends to be more direct and precise. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

How to Treat a Fever Blister (March 2024)