Honey for the flu and the cold

The honey It is considered as a superfood, precisely because of the great diversity of interesting benefits and properties that its regular consumption contributes to our health. As you surely know, it is a delicious and wonderful product produced by bees from both the nectar of flowers and the different secretions of living parts of plants, as well as plant sucking insects.

The bees collect this nectar or these secretions, transform it and combine it with the invertase enzyme, which contains the bees' own saliva, and then store it in the panels, where they mature. Although it is a completely natural process, the truth is that the intervention of man in this process is known, so that what used to be an artisanal and traditional work to obtain honey has become the beekeeping, the activity dedicated to the raising of bees.

With regard to the different benefits of honey, it stands out especially from a nutritional point of view, as it is very rich in vitamins (A, C, D, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) and in trace elements ( copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, manganese, sodium and iodine). They have been studied -and confirmed- in turn their qualities as energy food (due to its content in simple sugars) and its healing power.

Benefits of honey for flu and colds

Different scientific studies carried out in people between 2 to 18 years with infection in the respiratory tract, allowed to verify that honey is able to relieve the different irritated membranes in the back of the throat. In addition, he exercised a very interesting antiviral antioxidant effect.

On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) itself has considered honey as an excellent natural product to relieve cough, considering it as a safe food outside the period of lactation, in children from one year and in adults. Of course, in children under 1 year is not advised to use for risk of development of botulism (poisoning caused by botulinum toxin, which can lead to death if not treated quickly).

These virtues are found above all in both its texture, which is very reminiscent of the texture of the syrups, and its sweetness, helping in a very positive way when it comes to soothe sore throat.

Nor can we forget their Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, reason why it becomes an ideal traditional remedy in case of flu, colds and colds.

Properties of honey for colds, colds and flu, in short

  • It helps to relieve and soothe sore throat, a condition so common when we have a cold or aggravated.
  • It helps to relieve and calm the cough, thanks to its texture and its sweetness.
  • Interesting antimicrobial effects.
  • Antiviral antioxidant action.
  • For its nutritional qualities it helps to increase the defenses.

It is common to mix honey with lemon juice when we are sick with colds and flu. If you want to know more about this remedy, I encourage you to read more about the properties of lemonade for colds.

How to use the skin for the flu and the cold

If at this time you are cold or aggravated and want to enjoy the different and different healing and protective qualities that honey gives you in these cases, a very simple option is to take a spoonful of honey a day.

If you also have a sore throat, you can put in a cup of coffee or a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and add a little honey, mixing it well and heating until it is warm. Then you will only have to take this mixture slowly, with the help of a spoon.

Images | Evan Bench This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesFlu

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