How can we discuss intelligently?

The mere fact of having a heated discussion with a friend, acquaintance or family can cause all kinds of conflicts and unnecessary quarrels to take place afterwards. It is very normal that everyone wants to express their opinion and therefore wants to make the other party see that this is right through their arguments.

However, many times there will come a point that is almost impossible to agree and therefore there is no choice but to take that discussion as a form of learning and personal enrichment.

Although this is not an easy task. Gandhi himself already gave us a series of tips to carry a discussion in a smart way and without falling into personal disqualification. Would you like to know this method? Well, if so, you have no choice but to accompany us through the following lines:

Your arguments must always be solid

Ghandi he did not achieve the independence of the Indian people peacefully by mere chance. This Indian thinker spent much of his maturity studying thousands of free rights that dealt with the civil laws of South Africa. Then, he also continued his training at the University of London during the 1930s to better understand and understand what his people's needs were.

And what was the real purpose of all this? Well, nothing more and nothing less than to get all the data and information you would need years later when carrying out a debate with any character who was against the independence of their country.

In all the occasions he countered with extreme wisdom the opinion of the others, respecting his arguments whenever they were of the most solid.

Always empathize with the opinion of others

There comes a time when a debate becomes a kind of fight of egos. From the moment in which the discussion becomes a "battle" to see who is right, it is no longer meaningful. Needless to say, Ghandi was immersed in this situation on many occasions.

And what was this dear Hindu philosopher doing? Well, he used empathy as a "weapon" to win a lot of heated debates among the English politicians of that time.

This was possible because through this social ability, Ghandi was able to put himself in the place of others and therefore lower the tone of his arguments. It may seem silly, but simply say: "Yes, I understand you…", "Well maybe you have some reason but ..." It can greatly help the other person see a little better what you are trying to say.

Put it into practice every time you argue with your closest friend or relative. You can not imagine the results that it can give you in the long term. After this, you just have to invite the other party to take something to finish the discussion in the most friendly and friendly way possible.

Simplicity above all

On many occasions the discussions do not come to fruition because simply the two parties do not understand their arguments. And the worst comes when we repeat them again and again without success causing much more tension and disagreement.

Have you ever seen yourself in such a situation? Well, maybe you should rethink the way you relate your points of view. For this, Ghandi always used the simplicity and simplicity when exposing their arguments.

Thanks to this, he managed to get his message in a much more effective way to the greatest number of people, many of them illiterate or without having attended any type of training in elementary school. In short, simplicity is synonymous with success when carrying out any debate.

It will help you to get your message much more summarized to the other party, something that can be translated later is that you have a bit of reason (but only a little). This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.

How to talk about a topic intelligently (March 2024)