How can we improve self-esteem in just 5 minutes?

There are days that we get up without wanting absolutely nothing. For no apparent reason, we realize that our self esteem It has hit a considerable downturn since the previous day. There is sometimes an incorrect rest can cause the next day we are invaded by a feeling of apathy and a certain sadness that often fades a little when it arrives midmorning.

In this sense, there is a simple but effective formula to boost our self-esteem that will only take about five minutes if we do it daily and constantly. You do not believe it? Then we tell you how you should carry it out.

You will only need a mirror

This technique is one of the simplest you will find online. You do not need a previous technique or read a book about psychology or inner peace for long hours. In many articles of NatureVia we have talked about the happiness It is something that can be achieved by ourselves. And you will not be less, right ?. In fact, do you know how you can increase the wonderful hormones of happiness?.

Therefore, to start with this method you just have to get in front of the mirror. It does not matter if it's your own room, living room or bathroom. Just make sure that you reflect well on him and you are able to glimpse your beautiful face.

And what should be done next? Well, just smile. Try installing a smile from ear to ear all over your face. And if it's in the morning, well, much better. That moment where we feel somewhat apathetic and not wanting anything. At first it may be hard for you to smile at such early hours.

But if we "cheat" the brain with a smile, surely it will be forced to release hormones of happiness, even in small quantities.

Repeat this process for three minutes. And never fall. It is normal that during the whole process you want to goosebumps or lower your eyelids. But you are still there in your endeavor. Look at yourself in the mirror with a broad smile. It can even be forced, nothing happens. This would give a somewhat comical point to the subject and it will surely help you to take a strong laugh out of yourself.

It's time to boost your self-esteem

Now that you have given yourself a good binge of "laugh therapy", then you have to give yourself a good shot of self-esteem in a very simple way. So it is time to get a little more serious to realize the amount of virtues and virtues that are within us.

Therefore, you will have to spend the next two minutes saying just "nice things". It does not need to be related to love or be too romantic.

They must be related above all with your personality and that serve above all to strengthen your self-esteem. Here depends a little on how each person is. But here are some ideas:

  • I'm strong!
  • Nothing will stop me!
  • I'm handsome!
  • I can get anything I want!
  • I have friends and family who appreciate me!
  • If I fall, then I get up!
  • I'm not better than anyone, nobody is better than me

These are some proposals that from NatureVia we propose to you to potencies in a very simple way all your self-esteem. We are sure that five minutes later, I am sure that at least you feel something better and face the day with much more optimism.

The best of all is that it will just take time and you can put it into practice every morning without any problems. And you? Do you join this magnificent idea to be a little happier? We would love to read the results you have achieved! This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.

GUIDED MEDITATION: Self-Esteem (December 2024)