How coffee affects your fertility and decreases the chances of pregnancy

Over the years to the different stimulant drinks with caffeine, highlighting above all the coffee For being one of the most popular, they have always been surrounded by some doubts, myths and beliefs directly related to their possible negative effects when it comes to getting pregnant.

The truth is that we are faced with approaches that are more than being beliefs have been demonstrated and scientifically verified.

In this sense, numerous studies have been able to demonstrate that excess caffeine hurts women who want to become pregnant, since it is a substance that negatively affects fertility.

Medical specialists and scholars have even put amounts on the table: regularly drinking a cup and a half of coffee every day delays conception. But its effects do not end here, since it increases the risk of suffering a miscarriage.

It has also been shown that coffee reduces the ability of a woman's body to absorb iron, a mineral essential not only for the mother's own health, but also for the fetus itself during pregnancy.

Therefore, it is recommended that if you want to get pregnant, eliminate drinks rich in caffeine, such as coffee, tea, cola and energy drinks. Also, did you know that isotonic drinks also contain high levels of caffeine?

The best? Try to opt for fresh natural juices and water. Decaffeinated beverages may also be useful, but some also contain caffeine, albeit in small amounts.

Coffee and female fertility

The ability to conceive a baby depends on many factors, not only influence the background of both parents but the eating habits of each, as some foods limit the reproductive capacity of both and especially the mother.

As indicated above, one of those foods or beverages that generate doubts at the time of consumption and fertility is the coffee, because caffeine reduces a large part of the chances of conceiving a baby so it is advisable to reduce consumption before conception and during pregnancy.

It would be essential that the future mother reduce the consumption of said food since numerous studies have confirmed the strong impact they have on female fertility.

What happens if I consume coffee before I conceive?

As we have mentioned before, coffee limits the ability of women to conceive, as it causes the organism to diminish in order to capture iron, one of the most important minerals to conceive together with iodo and the folic acid; and it can even cause anemia.

It is advisable to take less than usual and if it is eliminated from the diet even better, not only coffee contains caffeine, tea or soft drinks also contain amounts of caffeine that can harm the development of the fetus when you are pregnant.

In the case of pregnant mothers, the consumption of caffeine can harm the health of the baby, causing spontaneous abortions or the death of the fetus.

If you are trying to conceive a baby limits the consumption of caffeine of certain liquids such as coffee, isotonic drinks, tea or soda because not only reduce fertility if they can not cause a miscarriage.

And what about man?

In the case of man, the thing is not so clear, since it is true that until a few years ago it was thought that caffeine was detrimental to its fertility due to influencing poor sperm production, a study carried out in Brazil showed that he managed to increase the speed of the sperm.

In this sense the most advisable thing is to reduce the amount of coffee that a man who wants to have children drinks a day, reducing it to one or two at the most. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesFertility Coffee

Is caffeine going to decreases my chances of getting pregnant when ttc? | Gabriela Rosa. (April 2024)