How long does a flu last?

The truth is that both during the months of autumn and winter (in short, during the coldest months of the year), the cases of contagion of flu and colds increase considerably, mainly because this type of virus tend to survive better in colder and wetter times. For this reason they are not so common during the summer months, when the heat tightens, although it is true that we can find some cases of colds in summer.

In the case of the flu that appear in the autumn or winter months we should refer to the well-known seasonal flu, which is what appears during this time of year. As you surely know, it consists of a common contagious disease that appears in the temperate regions in those months. A seasonal epidemic occurs, which causes this disease to recur every year during the autumn and winter seasons in temperate regions.

Although we could say that the flu can not be avoided once contagion occurs, it is possible to prevent it. How? Very simple: follow a healthy and healthy lifestyle to keep your defenses in shape, wash your hands regularly (find out more about how to wash your hands to eliminate germs) and cover your mouth or nose whenever you go to cough or sneeze .

But when the first symptoms of the flu appear, there is really little we can do, because with medical treatment or without it, the truth is that this contagious disease lasts at the same time. We must remember at this point what are its most common symptoms: sudden onset of high fever, dry cough, muscle and joint pain, abundant mucus secretion, sore throat, headache and malaise throughout the body.

How long does a flu last?

First of all we must bear in mind that The duration and intensity of a flu depend on several circumstances: the strain of the virus, how your immune system is, your general state of health and how old you are.

Did you know that a flu, with medical treatment, is exceeded in 7 days, and without it also lasts 7 days ?.

As a general rule, the flu tends to last between a few days to a few weeks. The most usual thing is that this last about 7 days, more specifically between 4 to 10 days, from the beginning of the symptoms until they diminish and disappear little by little.

Unlike what is mistakenly thought, current medical treatments do not shorten the duration of a flu, but are only useful when it comes to relieving their most annoying symptoms (such as the feeling of general discomfort and muscle pain). , mucus and sore throat). Also, remember not to self-medicate, since in this way you will only get the infection to become stronger in the future.

However, there are some natural tips that can also help you cope better with symptoms, and even protect your health more.

Natural tips for the flu

  • Rest a lot: it is essential and essential to maintain adequate rest, it is not advisable to force our body, since the flu usually weakens us a lot.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: in this way you will help your body to eliminate the infection more effectively through the urine. You can choose water, natural juices and infusions.
  • Chicken Soup: Did you know that soup is chicken is very beneficial for the flu? Helps control the activity of neutrophils, so it is an ideal dish when we are agripados.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C: especially oranges, kiwi, pineapple and peppers stand out, due to their high content of vitamin C. Although it is known that vitamin C does not prevent colds or flu, it is known that it helps reduce their symptoms and shorten the duration of them.
  • Do not get too warm when you're home: when you rest at home, avoid getting too warm, especially if you have a fever. Remember that in these cases your body needs to cool down better.

Images | William Brawley / Frédérique Voisin-Demery This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesFlu

Dr. Oz Explains Worrisome Flu Symptoms (April 2024)