How often do you have to wash your hair?

There's no doubt wash your hair is, in its essence, one of the most common and usual practices when it comes to maintaining your health, especially in women. It is especially suitable to remove the dirt that has accumulated in it, remove the presence of grease in both the hair and scalp, and ultimately enjoy proper hygiene. However, it is very common that we are faced with many questions related to hair washing. The most common can be summarized in the following question: How many days should we wash our hair?.

We are dealing with a subject on which there is a lot of controversy, given that dermatologists and experts in cosmetology tend not to agree. And while some say that it is not appropriate to wash your hair daily, others think otherwise. On the other hand, while some argue that it is advisable to wash it every day, others maintain that it is best to do it every 2 or 3 days.

The truth is that Washing hair or hair every day does not spoil it, so that to the question about how often or how many days we should wash the hair, the answer should be clear: the frequency of washing will depend on what you deem appropriate, so that if you feel that you have dirty hair, the most appropriate thing -obviously- is to wash it and clean it. For example, You can choose to wash it every 2 days. But if you prefer to do it daily, you must have something clear: washing your hair a lot, or doing it every day, does not increase hair loss. That is to say, it does not influence this, since in reality each day tend to give off between 50 to 60 hairs, returning to come out new in the same place.

You should also keep in mind that If the hair is oiled a lot, it should be washed frequently. Either space the washings in order to eliminate the amount of fat that has been accumulating in it. In this sense we must have another clear question: washing your hair does not increase the production of fat, question that by the way is determined in a hormonal way by each person.

What shampoo to choose? Which is the best?

If you have a healthy scalp and without any problem (for example without the presence of dandruff), The most suitable shampoo is the mild or neutral shampoo, which stands out for not containing fragrances, alcohol or preservatives. These types of substances can irritate the scalp and cause allergies.

In case of having any type of dermatological problem or pathology the key is to alternate the shampoos, alternating between the specific treatment shampoo with some other neutral shampoo. In this way we will avoid irritating the scalp, and we will also be able to treat the existing problem.

How to make a homemade shampoo


  • 1 avocado
  • 1 glass of neutral PH shampoo
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

Steps to make homemade shampoo:

  1. Split the avocado in half, remove its seed and extract the pulp. With it make a puree.
  2. Add the shampoo cup and the two tablespoons of oil. Mix well with the help of a wooden spoon.
  3. Put in a container, which you will allocate to store the shampoo. Close and shake well every time you use it.

This shampoo can be kept in the fridge, and used for 7 days at the most. After applying it, you should rinse with plenty of water.

Images | Amanda G / Julia P