How to avoid stress at Christmas
What is fun and party for a lot can be a big stress. Christmas ends up being almost holiday periods in which family and friends gather to be together around dinners, meals and other activities.
The stress It can appear in many people, mainly, due to the commitments made, and the amount of meals and dinners that must be prepared. We give you some tips on how not to stress during Christmas.
Data on the level of stress
Various studies claim that stress during the holidays is more common than you imagine. Total, 65% of the adult population experiences situations of stress and anxiety both before Christmas and during the course of these holidays. Social commitments end up exhausting, and are major causes of stress.
Precisely, this accumulation of social commitments affects 48% of the population, general fatigue and Christmas messages, to 30%, while others are stressed by work-life balance.
Among the most common symptoms are insomnia (65%), headaches (52%), muscle aches (80%) and problems associated with the stomach, due to the feasts of these days. Of these people, 70% have negative or recurrent thoughts, and 72% show much greater irritability than at other times of the year.
Useful tips to prevent Christmas stress
Organization, the basis of everything
Stress can be mitigated with a pre-holiday organization that will come. Especially if it is cooked at home, you should have a plan about the meals (know what to buy, and what people will be invited ...) to have everything done before the stress passes bill.
Moderate meals
It is somewhat complicated to be able to eat less during these days, but it can be achieved if we look at our normal eating habits, with something sweet. For example, you can add vegetables to main dishes, skip vermouths and fragment desserts for different days, and do not eat it all on Christmas Eve.
Always look for a moderation and balance in meals, otherwise we can have serious stomach problems.
If we organize ourselves, at Christmas parties, we have time for everything. Before or after our social commitments, it is good to continue with our daily routine, and do some sport.
Going for a run, doing crunches, going to the gym on days that are open ... all this will help us take care of our health and open our mind.
Moderate the use of alcohol
In the same way we do with food, during these days you usually drink something more than normal. But we should never do it too much, alcohol does not feel good and we can be annoyed during the key days of the holidays. This also causes stress.
Peace at the table
They are days of recollection, of love and peace, and of avoiding topics of conversation that can lead to discussions at the table. It is better to make games, talk about relaxed things and little concern so that there are no arguments or out of tune.
Knowing how to say no
The company dinners, Christmas Eve, New Year's commitments ... There really is not time for so many commitments. For this reason it is essential to learn to say no, as it will take away more than one headache and eliminate stress. Before going running or being bad in a place, it is better to say no, and we avoid long faces and unnecessary bad times.
Avoid queues in shopping
If we foresee that we are going to stress, it is better not to leave the purchases for the last moment. A planning is to make lists with the gifts we must make and buy them a month in advance. In addition to saving money, we will avoid masses of people, last minute desperate purchases and the fact that, perhaps, what we want to be exhausted.
Enjoy the holidays wherever you are
Many people will not have the expected holidays, will be away from their family or will spend part of their time working. There is no point in lamenting. The best option is to spend Christmas as best you can, enjoying every moment, whether with work colleagues, alone or with family. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist. ThemesStress Christmas