How to clean and purify the skin naturally
Clean and purify the skin in a completely natural way with home remedies prepared and applied by ourselves is possible as well as simple. It is as simple as choosing one hundred percent natural ingredients, and by following some simple and easy steps at home.
For example, the first steps to clean and purify the skin always in a natural way, starting with a facial sauna, an exfoliant, a toning facial lotion, and a nourishing but refreshing mask that will leave a renewed, soft skin to the skin. Once smooth.
Moreover, as we indicated before, the ingredients we use to prepare these remedies can be obtained in the dispensaries of natural products such as herbalists, parapharmacies, online. They are totally natural and easy to get ingredients.
Natural remedies to cleanse and purify your skin
Facial sauna
Prepare a facial sauna is very easy while beneficial to the skin of our face, the steam opens our pores with what will eliminate both toxins and impurities.
To prepare the facial sauna we need to boil half a liter of mineral water.
Remove from heat and place in a deep bowl, a basin, a large bowl, salad bowl.
Then add the following essential oils to the water: 2 drops of lemon essential oil and 2 drops of geranium essential oil.
We cover our heads with a towel and lean forward to benefit from the properties of the steam, for 10 or 12 minutes.
Natural and homemade scrub
This scrub is the next step after the sauna as the sauna has prepared the pores by opening them to the exfoliant to remove and remove impurities that are embedded in the skin, such as blackheads, fat, toxins, dead cells.
To prepare this scrub we need the juice of a lemon, a spoonful of oatmeal powder and a teaspoon of sweet almond oil.
In a small bowl mix well the previous ingredients.
We wash the skin of the face and leave it moist.
We take a little of the preparation and apply it on the skin of the face with circular movements, being careful not to bring it closer to the eye contour.
Then we remove the exfoliant with plenty of warm water.
We dry carefully without rubbing giving soft touches with a soft towel.
This scrub contains lemon so we must take it into account and not expose ourselves to the sun until a few hours have passed.
The lemon is photosensitizing and the skin may be stained.
Toning facial lotion
The next step after a good exfoliation is a facial tonic to tone the skin and also to help us close the pores.
To prepare this lotion we need:
- A cup of mineral water.
- One lemon's juice.
- 6 drops of lavender essential oil.
- Two teaspoons of argan oil.
We mix all the ingredients and put it in a glass container.
The facial tonic can be applied daily not only when we exfoliate the skin.
We moisten a sterile cotton swab or disc in the lotion and apply it to the skin of the face.
We can use it after removing make-up, or before putting on the moisturizer.
The tonic that we have left over can be kept in the refrigerator for other applications, in the refrigerator it will hold us for seven days.
After this time we must renew it and prepare it fresh again.
Nourishing and refreshing mask
This nutritious and refreshing mask is very easy to prepare, we just need the following ingredients:
- 2 teaspoons of baking soda
- 4 tablespoons of natural yogurt.
- 2 teaspoons of virgin olive oil.
- 2 teaspoons of argan oil.
We put all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix well.
Then let stand for 10 minutes.
We take a little mask and spread it on the skin of the face taking care not to rub the area near the eyes.
We keep the mask for 15 minutes and then remove it with warm water.
Dry carefully with a soft towel and without rubbing. ThemesSkin