How to eliminate corns naturally from the hands and feet

The calluses they consist of a zone of the skin in which an accumulation of keratin takes place, caused mainly by the compaction of inert dead cells belonging to the epidermis. Basically we could say that Calluses are an area of ​​thick and hardened skin, and appear especially as a result of repeated and prolonged friction, either by pressure or friction on the skin. Therefore they appear on the top or on one side of some of the toes, by the use of shoes that do not fit well.

It can also become a protective reaction, which appears in areas of the body subjected to friction or pressure, which is why we can not only find them in the feet but also in the hands, which will depend to a greater or lesser extent on the physical activity that the person exercises. Thus, for example, the presence of calluses is very frequent in the hands of those who perform daily work with them.

From a medical point of view, the podiatrist is the specialist in charge of assessing whether the calluses on the feet are due to an overload sign, while the most conventional treatments for elimination consist mainly of scalpel removal, a technique medically known by the name of pedicure. However, did you know that it is also possible eliminate calluses naturally at home, with some basic tips and tricks ?.

Why do calluses appear?

There are several causes that can cause or cause the appearance of corns and hardness:

  • Skin pressure from poorly adjusted footwear: is one of the most common causes, consisting of wearing shoes that fit poorly on the foot. Therefore, they usually appear on the sole of the foot.
  • By friction due to footwearWhen a shoe that is badly adjusted or too tight is used, it tends to produce a certain friction that causes thickening and hardness in the friction zone.
  • For certain activities: when the calluses appear on the hands, their main causes have to do with the activity carried out by the person (for example, a bricklayer, a gardener ... and even using weights).

Natural tips to remove calluses

Natural remedy of aspirin and lemon

Believe it or not, Aspirin combined with lemon juice becomes an excellent natural treatment to help calluses disappear. To make this natural remedy, you only have to crush 7 aspirins with a mortar. Then squeeze a lemon and add a few drops of both lemon and water, and mix well to form a paste.

Now apply the paste on the callus to be treated, cover it well with a plastic cloth or with a bag. Heat a compress and place it on top of the plastic, leaving it to work for 20 minutes. Finally remove the aspirin and lemon paste with hot water, let it dry and rub gently with pumice stone.

Garlic juice to soften calluses

Freshly crushed fresh garlic juice is ideal to soften hardness. To do this you just have to crush a clove of garlic, mix it with a little olive oil and form a paste that you then have to apply on the callus. Finally wrap with a sock and let it act all night.

Soaking feet with chamomile infusion

Chamomile is also a useful option to soften the hardened areas of the feet and hands. This remedy consists of simply soaking the feet in chamomile infusion, leaving it to act until the water cools.

To make it boil in a liter of water the equivalent of 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Then put the drink in a large basin or bucket and when it cools a little soak the feet.

Citric acid to reduce and eliminate callus

Lemon citric acid is another suitable option to reduce calluses and eliminate them easily. On this occasion you should only cut a lemon into slices, apply them on the area to be treated and wrap them with a bandage to prevent them from falling off. Leave on all night.

Castor oil and its anti-callus qualities

Castor oil, applied daily three times a day, helps eliminate corns softening them naturally. To get it you just have to rub a little of this oil on the callus, the times indicated per day.

Images | Bossi / Ann

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