How to eliminate grains naturally

Who has not suffered from acne occasionally? It is a very uncomfortable problem for many people, which is characterized by the appearance of skin lesions as a result of folliculitis, which consists of an inflammation of the follicular pore (that is, the hole where the hair comes out through our skin) and its subsequent infection.

Especially in those people who usually suffer severe acne, or who work in front of the public, the appearance of pimples can become a real psychological and social problem, which in turn increases stress, anxiety and definite tensions. emotional problems that result in acne getting worse.

Although in adulthood can also appear (and even in newborns), it is very common for acne or pimples to occur especially in adolescence. In fact, it is estimated that around 85% of adolescents have suffered from acne at some point during puberty, as a result of the interaction between the hormones, the bacteria that live on or inside the skin, and the presence of sebum, which during this stage increases considerably due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Depending on the type of acne the person has different medical treatments are administered. For example, if there is mild acne, the treatment consists of using exfoliants and a product rich in 4% benzoyl peroxides.

While acne tends to be very severe in some patients, it is necessary to follow a surgical treatment with the aim of carrying out a drainage of the cysts, or the mechanical elimination of the comedones. On the other hand, from a more natural point of view it is possible eliminate the grains, following a series of guidelines, tricks and basic tips. We explain the most important ones.

1. Apply ice

The ice It is very useful when treating acne and eliminating pimples because helps reduce the annoying redness and inflammation, thanks to the fact that it is able to improve the blood circulation of the face and is suitable for close the pores of the skin.

On the other hand, it is a recommended natural option for eliminate accumulated fat around acne, as well as to clean the dirt.

2. Freshly squeezed lemon

The lemon is a fruit especially rich in vitamin C, which helps in a positive way when the tissues heal better. On the other hand, citric acid acts as Useful scrub to remove dead cells, in addition to functioning as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial Y antimicrobial.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is useful for drying the beans faster. In this case you only have to cut a lemon in half, squeeze it to get its juice and apply it to your face with the help of a cotton ball before going to bed, leaving it on all night.

3. Garlic against the grains

As with lemon and citric acid, Garlic is an excellent antiseptic and antifungal, so it is very useful to eliminate the grains in a completely natural way. On this occasion, you just have to peel the garlic and split it in two, to rub it more easily by the grains. Let it act between 5 to 10 minutes, and then remove it from the skin with warm water.

4. Eucalyptus steam

Although eucalyptus vapors are especially suitable to open the airways and eliminate mucus in case of flu or cold, did you know that it is also very useful in case of acne ?. It is ideal because helps open and clean the pores, allowing "breathing" to the skin much better. Therefore, it is useful for eliminate the fat and bacteria that have accumulated in the pores.

To prepare this natural remedy you should only put the equivalent of two cups of water in a saucepan and let it boil. When it reaches the boiling point (just when the water starts to boil) add 2 or 3 fresh leaves of eucalyptus and let boil for 5 minutes. Then you should only let the water vapor come in contact with your skin for 5 to 10 minutes. To finish, rinse your face with warm water.

It is evident that these 4 natural remedies will help you when removing the grains, but you will not get it quickly, since the results will be seen as the days go by. Therefore, it is convenient - and appropriate - to follow them several times a day for a few weeks.

Other useful tips to eliminate the grains

To keep the skin clean and without pimples it is recommended to use sulfur soap of sale in pharmacies, which helps to eliminate the fatty remains and dry completely the pimples that we have.

After this application it is good to wash the face with some type of exfoliant and mask to finish the cleaning process, so little by little the pimples that may appear will be eliminated with the passage of time.

As a natural remedy, we recommend mixing two tablespoons of vinegar and five tablespoons of distilled water, after mixing, apply gently with a cotton ball all over the face, let it act for half an hour and wash your face with warm water.

We must mention that the assiduity of the appearance of the beans is not only due to the type of skin you have, the food is very important and therefore we suggest that you take fatty foods in less quantity to avoid further pimples.

We can replace such foods as the chocolate or fatty food for fruit or foods with fiber that do not produce these effects and especially a lot of water.

On the other hand, did you know that stress It is also another cause that influence the appearance of grains or granites? Try to live more relaxed and stay away from anxiety and stress. It will help you to practice some techniques or natural therapies such as meditation, relaxation or yoga. Forget the problems and take care, instead of worrying. You will enjoy more of life and your skin will not suffer.