How to face the fear of failure

Failure does not have to be linked to something pejorative and bad. In fact, in other countries, like the United States, failure is a good thing that helps advance. The degree of experience of a person is measured by the number of failures and achievements he has had, and in job interviews, in the US, is something that is often highlighted.

In Spain, it does not happen equally, although things seem to change, and more and more people value it as something positive. In any case, the fear of failure paralyzes, both in personal and professional situations, and does not let go forward.

Reasons for fear of failure

There are many and varied reasons that determine that a person has failed. In psychological terms, the fear of failure is called atiquiphobia, and is associated with those people who have accumulated several failures throughout their lives.

As a result, they have low self-esteem to perform various actions, in general, and may develop various mental problems that need to be addressed.

Tips to overcome it

Visits to the psychologist

At its most negative point and when people need stimuli to develop, visits to the psychologist are necessary for the person to overcome this fear of failure that does not allow him to continue with his life.

The therapy together with exercises so that the person can leave the well are usually the actions that the specialist usually carries out.

Put a coaching in your life

When people feel somewhat lost but have not yet developed mental problems, then coaching can help to better direct their personal life, and especially professional.

Coaches, a figure that has become fashionable at present to designate those specialists in certain subjects who know how to lead people, usually provide the necessary tools to overcome fear.

Clear mind in healthy body

Daily exercise is a good for everything. Not only does it allow us to be healthier and reduce weight, but it also awakens minds, lets us be more active to continue with our daily tasks and motivates us to move forward.

Failure as a means to achievement

To overcome the fear of failure, it is absolutely necessary to change the perception we have of this concept. As we have previously noted, in other cultures, failure is synonymous with learning.

If we see failure as part of the process to achieve achievement and success, the fear will go away and the objectives will be fulfilled. It must be defined as something natural that is in life to retrain and learn to do things differently.

Plan and organize

Without good planning, all kinds of projects will not make sense and will not come to light. With such actions, the fear of failure also vanishes because it helps us to have things organized and to anticipate certain elements that can lead us to failure.

Having a correctly planned strategy, offers enough security to avoid falling into insecurity.

Advantages and positivism

Listing the advantages of any project, whether personal or professional, is one of the keys to progress. With this, we will be more motivated to keep moving forward.

First, it is vital to write down on paper the advantages and reasons why you should continue or start a project. And the rest of the days read it, remember the positive, and keep looking at the paper when you think it will faint.

Learn from mistakes

We have already seen that failure is a good learning of what we have not done well. Therefore, to face the fear of failure we must also analyze everything that has led us to it; people, actions, times, and also ask for advice from other people who have gone through the same thing to know where and how to act from now on.

Promote skills and values

We are all good at something. Then it is about exploiting what we know best to do to gain confidence and transmit it to others. To be an expert in something usually leads to success, to extol one's values ​​is to think intelligently. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.

How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure - Tony Robbins (April 2024)