How to feed your memory

Over the years, as we go on fulfilling years and time goes by, it is normal that from time to time things may be forgotten. Even what we have done yesterday, even though we really do not have any kind of memory problem.

We know how photographic memory to the ability to remember the things we have seen or heard with a level of detail that is certainly very precise. However, they are memories that are subject to the same kind of fluctuations as other memories, since they influence the passage of time, the attention that has been paid to it and the time of exposure. All this influences their retention or not.

As many experts say, our memory works mainly through the association of memories, especially visual ones. On the other hand, the different environmental circumstances determine the information that we will remember. For example, the fewer distractions demand our attention, the easier it will be to focus on what we want or want to remember.

Obviously, to follow an optimal rest and a balanced and correct diet are fundamental to enjoy an optimal functioning of our memory. And precisely, the feeding Let's keep saying a lot.

To get the brain to work better it is advisable to follow the following healthy habits:

  • Have breakfast: for something is the most important meal of the day. And is that if you eat daily you will be contributing to your body glucose and nutrients needed to perform your morning activities. In fact, if your blood sugar goes down in the morning because you have not had breakfast (or you have not done it correctly), it may cause problems and loss of concentration.
  • Fatty acids fish: as the omega 3 and omega 6. They are essential for the proper functioning of the brain. In addition, they help to develop intelligence better and sharpen concentration in a completely natural way. You can also find it in the egg yolk and in the seeds.
  • Eat several times a day: it is advisable to eat five or six times a day. Not only will it help you not to gain weight, but it will also help you to be more alert.
  • Eat nuts: they are very rich in beneficial fats for the brain. They emphasize the nuts, the almonds, the chestnuts and the hazelnuts.
  • Opt for vegetables and veggies: they are also rich in omega 3. They emphasize spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers and lettuce.
  • Opt for the best food for the brain: there are certain foods for the brain that can not be missing in our diet. Highlights include prunes, bananas, oatmeal, sunflower seeds and, above all, blue fish.

Image | Alpha This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist.

Eating to Remember: Memory-Boosting Brain Food (March 2024)