How to fight insomnia naturally

How many times it has not happened to you that when we lie down in bed and close our eyes, the minutes and hours pass and we can not get to sleep. We started tossing and turning in bed, we started to feel nervous and thought that everyone else in the house had managed to fall asleep. Then, the next day, we tend to feel tired, angry and in a very bad mood. How to solve it?

Surely at some point in your life you have spent the odd night of insomnia. And, yes, in those hours in which you try to fall asleep and it is simply impossible to get it, it goes pretty badly.

What can be the causes of not getting to sleep?

  • Nervousness, stress and anxiety: what to say that it is essential to try to leave worries and problems out of bed, or almost better outside the rest room, is not to say. If you go to bed thinking about conflicts or problems that you have not been able to solve throughout the day, or you are worried about something in particular, it is normal for your head to keep spinning and prevent you from falling asleep.
  • Consumption of exciting substances: Do you usually have coffee, tea or a cola? They usually have a negative influence when it comes to falling asleep. Also the alcoholic drinks are negative, although it can get to think the opposite.
  • A bad environment: not only annoying noise (such as traffic or neighbors who do not know how to coexist), also sleep in a disorderly room, as it tends to cause bad energy.
  • Extreme temperatures: extreme cold as well as heat influence negative.
  • Diseases: pain can be negative when trying to relax and fall asleep. It can also influence having difficulty breathing, as they negatively interfere with sleep.

How to relieve and prevent insomnia naturally

Here are some suggestions natural tips that will help you both relieve and prevent insomnia:

  • Relax and meditate: both relaxation and meditation exercises are ideal when it comes to soothing our mind and taking away both the stress and the anxiety of our life. Whenever you go to bed, try to practice some relaxation, preferably 30 minutes before. You can use relaxing music and candles, and if you like aromatherapy also some incense or essential oils.
  • Keep a regular sleep routine: people who do not usually maintain the same sleep routine, and sleep at scattered hours, usually have more problems sleeping. The most appropriate thing is to try to try to sleep always the same amount of hours, and go to sleep at the same times.
  • Choose the quietest room: isolated above all from annoying noises. It is very important that the room helps us to relax. Therefore, avoid electronic devices as much as possible, including television and computer.
  • Avoid consuming coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages: Above 3 to 4 hours before going to sleep.
  • Do sport, but avoid the hours before rest: there are people who help them to rest and practice sports before going to bed, and I see them at 10 or 11 at night running or walking. Although it may work for them, as a general rule it is an error. It is best to try to practice physical exercise during the day, never in the hours before going to bed. It will help you fight insomnia, relieve tension and reduce anxiety.

Images | Alyssa L. Miller / Hartwig HKD

This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

Acupressure Massage for Insomnia by Louisville Massage Therapist Heather Wibbels, LMT (March 2024)