How to fight the symptoms of the cold naturally

There is no doubt that, although during the summer months we can also catch a cold, the main time in which there are more cases of colds and flu are mainly the months of autumn and winter. But why are there more cases during this time of year? We must bear in mind, first of all, that the cold, however intense, is incapable of producing a flu or a cold on its own, given that a virus that develops these diseases must be present, so that without an infectious agent - Obviously, the infection does not exist or would not occur.

One of the most common causes we must find them in that during the autumn and winter we are in cooler and wetter seasons, since having a lower temperature we tend to be closer together, for longer, in closed places, with which the contagion multiplies. On the other hand, other basic issues also seem to influence, such as: viruses tend to survive better in humid and colder places, while being more exposed to cold there is less blood flow in the nose, where there will be less presence of leukocytes and therefore we will have a greater facility for the virus to expand if we already have it in the body.

Although the current medical treatments do not reduce or shorten the cold, they do help to fight the symptoms in the same way that certain natural and home remedies do, especially in case of common cold. In this sense, among the most common symptoms we can mention: runny and stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat and cough. We explain how to fight the symptoms of the cold in a natural and effective way.

1. How to relieve runny and stuffy nose

The nasal drip is, along with congestion, one of the most common symptoms - and annoying - of the common cold, since it tends to prevent us from leading a normal life due to the inconvenience caused by the fact of suffering from a constant trickle in the nose, which forces us to always have a handkerchief or a napkin at hand.

The nasal spray They help a lot when it comes to eliminating the watery discharge that we have in our nose when we have colds. Although in the market you can find nasal aspirators with the product inside, you can also do them at home. You only need the empty nasal vaporizer itself, put 1/4 liter of water in a saucepan and dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in it. Warm the water a little, pour it into the vacuum cleaner, put the tip of it in the nostril and keep the nose straight and inhale back to suck the water. Repeat several times until you manage to relieve the drip.

The Apple cider vinegar It is also very useful in the treatment and relief of nasal drip. To make the remedy you should only put water in a glass and 6 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Drink this remedy 3 times a day for a maximum of 4 days, although if you improve it is best to reduce the amount.

Massages and pressure in the nose They are also very useful. In this case you only have to press down one of the final sides of your nose, doing it 10 times. Now repeat in the area located just below the eyes to relieve itching and discomfort in the eyes.

2. How to relieve throat pain

If you are looking relieve throat pain In a completely natural way, there are two effective and extremely useful options:

  • Gargling of water and salt: they are a very useful option to relieve the discomfort in the throat caused by the common cold. You should only heat in a saucepan the equivalent of a cup of water and add one or two tablespoons of salt, dissolving it in the water. When the water is warm make several gargles for 20 seconds, then throw it and repeat again.
  • Gargling water and baking soda: in addition to salt, the gargles of warm water and baking soda is also an effective remedy against sore throat. The steps are the same as those described above, with the difference that we must replace the two tablespoons of salt with one of baking soda.
  • Warm lemon juice with honey: probably we are facing one of the most traditional and popular remedies of all exist to relieve sore throat. It consists of squeezing a lemon to obtain its juice, place it in a saucepan and heat it a little until it is warm. Then serve in a cup and sweeten with two tablespoons, preferably with eucalyptus honey or rosemary honey. You can take this remedy three times a day.

3. How to relieve annoying sneezing

Along with runny and stuffy nose sneezing is also a very common symptom in the cold. Believe it or not, sneezing is our body's way of expelling foreign substances that we have in our noses.Although it is absolutely normal, and even beneficial, it can become a real discomfort.

In case of constant sneezing, water vapor with eucalyptus It becomes a very interesting natural remedy, which as we saw in a previous section, is also useful in case of nasal congestion. You should only boil in a saucepan the equivalent of two cups of water and a handful of dried eucalyptus leaves. Let boil for 8 minutes, turn off the heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Finally cover your head with a towel and breathe as much steam as you can.

4. Tips to relieve cough

Did you know that cough is actually a normal reaction of our body, which it starts as a result of the presence of mucus or a foreign body in the airways? It can also appear due to the existence of an irritation of the respiratory tract. As we saw in a previous article where we explained you how to treat cough naturally, there are different natural remedies that help relieve the annoying coughing attacks.

On the one hand you can Take a teaspoon of rosemary or eucalyptus honey every time the cough occurs. As you surely know, honey is ideal to relieve any disease of the respiratory tract. In addition, it relieves excess mucus and nasal congestion.

It is also possible to elaborate a medicinal syrup with antitussive action. To make it, you only need 1 tablespoon of anise, 1 tablespoon of chamomile, 1 tablespoon of sweet cloves, half a cup of eucalyptus honey and half a cup of lemon juice. Boil the equivalent of 1 cup of water in a saucepan and boil the plants in the indicated amounts. After 3 minutes turn off the heat, cover and let stand 5 minutes. Strain and put the infusion in a glass container. Add honey and lemon juice, mixing well. Cover it and reserve in the fridge. You can take a spoonful of this syrup 3 times a day.

Images | mcfarlandmo This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

Natural Cold Treatments (March 2024)