How to get rid of the child's hair nits

The lice They are one of the most frequent problems that we must deal with as regards our hair. Not only children, but also adults can receive these uncomfortable invaders.

But the problem goes beyond removing these lice from the hair, since these parasites leave their eggs on our hair, the so-called nits, of which -if not treated quickly- new lice will be born.

That is why this article is dedicated especially to provide you with all the necessary information about them. Since not only must we know what the nits are, but also what symptoms indicate their presence, but also how we detect them and especially how we have to remove them from our heads.

What are nits?

The nits are nothing other than the eggs that the lice deposit. They are very small and light gray. They are located mostly close to the scalp, and are always attached to the hair, right where it is born.

Nits are sticky and gelatinous, therefore they are well attached to the hair and it is difficult to detach them. This means that they do not tend to fall on their own, as it can happen with the dandruff that is seen falling if we shake the head or if we pass the hand over it.

One fact to keep in mind is where the nits are. The egg is deposited by the louse about 3 or 4 mm from the scalp. Your pregnancy takes between 8 and 10 days.

Since the hair grows slowly (0.4 mm / day) if finding the nit is located at a greater distance means that it was deposited several days ago. If it is 1 cm from the scalp, then probably the new louse has already come out, you will find that the egg in this case is white.

How to tell if your child has nits: his main symptoms

If we have nits, it is because we have or have had lice in our head in the last days. Therefore, a symptom that can alert us is to feel intense itching in the scalp. Also, lice can cause small hives or red bumps on the scalp and-to a lesser extent-can also appear on the shoulders and neck.

Beyond feeling itching, it is advisable to make a periodic check to check whether or not there are nits, especially when we can be exposed to infection (if someone close to us has them, if we go to pools without wearing protective caps, school-age children ). This should be done by another person who carefully examines our entire scalp, remember to do it in very good light.

How to remove nits from hair

The most effective way to remove the nits is to use a metal comb or comb, which are special for such use, since their teeth are closer together and manage to catch the nits as well as the lice. To facilitate this, it is usual to resort to certain over-the-counter products that kill the louse and the nit, facilitating removal in turn.

There are also home remedies that we can use to eliminate nits; the most recommended of them is vinegar. This is because vinegar has chemicals that can dissolve the sticky substance that binds nits to hair.

Removing the nits with vinegar is very simple. First you must thoroughly wet all the hair with warm water. Then you should pour the vinegar over your head -as much as possible so that it does not enter your eyes- making sure that all the hair has been covered by the vinegar. You can also immerse your hair in the sink or in another container that contains half water and half vinegar.

To finish the removal of the nits rinse with warm water until all the vinegar is removed. Then use a detangling cream that does not rinse to comb your hair, removing the knots. After untangling you pass the fine comb through the hair to remove nits and lice that may still be in the hair. This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Pediatrician. We advise you to consult your trusted pediatrician.