How to improve the symptoms of endometriosis with natural tips and feeding

As we have published in a previous post, the causes why the endometriosis It develops are not yet clear, however, among the possible causes that could cause it are inadequate food and carry out unhealthy lifestyle habits.

In this post we provide a series of tips indicated to improve as much as possible suffer the symptoms of this disease. And is that Healthy and balanced nutrition plays an important role both in this disease and in the prevention of other diseases.

The food should be rich in natural plant foods. For example, it is vital to consume foods with a high content of phytoestrogens, fiber, calcium and other essential nutrients as we will know in the next section, in addition to avoiding or reducing the consumption of other foods or habits.

How to take care of food when you have endometriosis

It is advisable to opt for the following foods, and also eliminate some others:

  • Consume foods rich in phytoestrogens: spinach, soy, flax, alfalfa, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, dates, dried apricots, prunes.
  • Eat fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, cereals.
  • Eat foods rich in calcium: dried fruits such as nuts, hazelnuts, vegetables and legumes such as onions, spinach, watercress, Swiss chard, broccoli, lentils, garlic, chickpeas, soy, milk, dairy products.
  • Consume fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C like, guavas, oranges, kiwi, strawberries, tangerines, grapefruit, lemon, grapes, green pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach.
  • Consume blue fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Avoid caffeine consumption.

In terms of natural care is very useful and appropriate to follow the following guidelines and advice:

In addition to changing eating habits physical activity daily generates endorphins with which the pain tends to decrease or disappear.

  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle and overweight.
  • Perform daily exercise moderately, opting for soft exercises.
  • Do not use tampons.
  • Adopt comfortable postures to avoid pain during sexual intercourse.
  • In case of having pain it can help us to alleviate the pain to apply heat or cold in the areas that hurt us.
  • Castor oil is indicated to reduce cramps and spasms in the abdomen that produces endometriosis. To alleviate these discomforts you have to spread a little of this oil in a compress and put it on the stomach when we have these discomforts.

Nature also puts at our disposal a series of plants and medicinal herbs that can be used to improve the symptoms of endometriosis.

Both the plants and the medicinal herbs must have anti-inflammatory properties, since this property will cause the inflammation to be reduced as well as the pain, they also contribute to regulate the hormones.

Medicinal plants useful against endometriosis

  • Evening Primrose: This plant is indicated to help relieve the pains of menstruation, as well as to reduce inflammation. Evening primrose oil can be obtained in capsules, it is also known as evening primrose pearls. Evening primrose capsules are taken before menstruation.
  • GingerIt is indicated to improve nausea, one of the frequent symptoms in endometriosis. With the ginger we will prepare an infusion and for this we will need 3 tablespoons of ginger per cup of water when the nausea appears.
  • Rosemary: it is indicated to improve the hormonal metabolism, we will prepare an infusion with a handful of flowers and leaves per cup of water and we will take a cup of rosemary once a day.
  • Shepherd's purse: it is indicated for the case of abundant menses, with this plant we will prepare an infusion with a teaspoon of this plant for each cup of water and this infusion is advisable to take it a week before the menstruation and during all that week.

As much plants as medicinal herbs and the oils that in this article we have recommended we can get it in herbalists, parapharmacies, pharmacies in which natural products are dispensed, in online natural products stores. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

Endometriosis: Symptoms, causes and treatments (October 2024)