How to know if you drink enough water through urine
Did you know that our body is formed 80% by water? It is without a doubt a fundamental element for life, and especially for our health. In fact, maintaining a correct daily hydration is essential for our body to function properly, since dehydrating for different reasons (among the most common we can mention practicing a strong or excessive physical exercise, or exposure to heat), will lead to worse physical performance, we will feel more tired, we can not concentrate properly and we can also suffer annoying headaches or headaches.
On its importance we should only take a look at what are the water benefits for health: helps to eliminate toxins and body wastes allowing an adequate functioning of the kidneys, stimulates the correct metabolic functioning, hydrates the organism preventing the organs from rubbing against each other, elevates the defenses of our body, prevents constipation, regulates the appetite, lubricates our joints, and moisturizes, cleans and maintains the elasticity of the skin.
On amount of glasses that we should drink every day There is a certain consensus among the medical community regarding the number of glasses or the amount of liters that we must take daily: between 7 to 8 glasses of water, or what is the same, between 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. But if we have doubts about whether or not we are drinking the recommended amount of water, and especially that our own body needs for its proper functioning, a good option is to look at the color of our urine since it becomes one of the indicative or clearer signs. But let's go in parts.
What is urine and what is its composition?
The urine consists of a liquid secreted by our kidneys and composed of water and substances that our body separates. In fact, in urine not only we find waste chemicals that our own body does not need, but also with the excess of some compounds that are present in the blood.
For example, in the urine we find residues typical of cellular work, toxic or undesirable substances that the body no longer needs or has eliminated, or the excess of water present in the blood. Highlights the urea, which is a substance formed in the liver and derived from the destruction of proteins. In this sense, urea comprises 3%, while 2% is made up of mineral substances (chlorine, potassium, sodium, sulfate and phosphate ions), creatinine and uric acid.
In a healthy person, urine is 95% water. In addition, in turn contains those separate and dissolved substances that the body does not need and that therefore discarded.
What does the amount of urine secreted depend on urination?
The truth is both its density and quantity depends on each organism. This is influenced by the physical activities we have carried out, the amount of liquids or water we have ingested and their balance. However, an adult in normal conditions and without any type of condition or health problem can eliminate between 1,200 and 1,500 cm3 of urine each day.
How to recognize if you are properly hydrated through your urine
Urine can be a good symptom or indicative that we are hydrating properly. Moreover, it becomes a simple signal that allows us to discover if we are taking every day the amount of liquids (especially water) that our body needs.
For example, We are correctly hydrated if each time you urinate your urine is pale yellow, almost clear. We can say that we are facing the ideal type of urine, since it is not good or a type of turbid or very cloudy or almost transparent urine (since in this latter condition it can be a symptom of diabetes insipidus).
But nevertheless, If the urine is cloudy or very cloudy, we are not hydrating properly. In fact, it is possible that we are dehydrated and we still do not know it, because when we are really thirsty, the desire to drink water is a rather late symptom. ThemesWater