How to know if you suffer OCD: the symptoms of being obsessive compulsive

In this opportunity we will dedicate ourselves to know more about the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, generally referred to as TOC, according to its initials. In fact, it is possible that many recognize in the description of the symptoms of OCD something that we or someone we know has ever done.

However, we should not take any behavior as an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but there are some guidelines that can help us understand better when we can be in the presence of a case of OCD.

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

People who have OCD experience certain thoughts that are constantly repeated, and what they generate in the person high levels of anxiety and anxiety. These thoughts are referred to in psychology as "obsessions."

In response to these thoughts those who suffer from OCD develop certain behaviors or routines that can become true rituals that they simply can not avoid doing, or we could also say, about those who do not have real control. These actions are called "compulsions." Hence, this disorder is called "obsessive compulsive".

Some symptoms of OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, as we have explained, can occur in very different ways in each person. We will review here some more emblematic cases.

1. Obsession by symmetry or accuracy

One of the most widespread cases is one that involves obsession with symmetry or accuracy. For example, we can observe that before an object that looks misaligned or distorted, the need arises to accommodate it. This may seem somewhat minor, and it is very logical that we prefer to see something ordered to see it misaligned.

But who suffers this obsession can not control it and can suffer much anxiety to see something misaligned that can not fix. This is because he associates this situation with a tragic event, and the compulsion to fix this would be in his thinking the way to avoid it.

2. Accumulation of objects

Another form that obsessive-compulsive disorders can present is the accumulation of objects. This can reach really severe levels since people can not get rid of anything, even of objects without use that the rest of the people would consider garbage.

According to the experts explain this may be due to the installation of the thought that you can "offend" this object or that by getting rid of it they lose a part of themselves. It is usual that those who suffer from an obsessive-compulsive disorder of accumulation constantly give justifications of any kind to justify their refusal to part with that object.

3. Obsession with cleanliness

The obsession with cleanliness and the fear of contamination are part of another variant of OCD. As in the rest of the cases we should not confuse a reasonable care of the toilet with an obsession. When it reaches that point the person can spend much of their time, energy and money in cleaning the home, making this routine an activity that can not be skipped or postponed.

These people may demand that their family members take off their clothes and bathe when they arrive at home, to prevent contaminants from entering. They can also have a very strict personal grooming routine and can even repeat the whole procedure if they think they have skipped a step. It is also common constant and compulsive hand washing.

4. Obsession to review everything

Finally we will talk about those who have an obsession to "check". This happens, for example, when leaving the house, when they feel the need to check electrical appliances, faucets, gas valves, burners, windows, etc.

In a compulsive disorder the person can repeat the check several times, however it fails to calm their concern, returning to the minutes or even not getting out of their home for fear that something serious will happen, preventing the normal development of daily life.

If you feel that these descriptions may resemble what you usually feel, you should know that with psychological treatments these obsessions and compulsions can gradually be handled. What is treated from these treatments is that the patient can reduce these thoughts and learn to manage them so that their daily life can improve. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.

Recognizing OCD (October 2024)