How to learn to study with these effective study techniques
As students go up the academic level, the demands and the amounts of tasks and subjects to be studied are greater. The students realize little by little that studying in the afternoon before an exam is no longer possible, but now?
Normally we do not pay attention to study techniques until the child reaches higher grades and stress appears by not knowing how to manage all the things you have to do with "the little time you have left!".
That is why we must change this vision and begin with these techniques practically since the child begins his schooling.
What are study techniques? Useful tips to keep in mind
A study technique could be defined as that or those methods that facilitate learning.
Throughout this article we will point out some of the most effective considering of course that each person learns in a different way and that what works for many does not work for others.
Same time and same place of study
Although it seems somewhat less important, always use the same schedule and the same place of study prepares our body to take action in study. It is important to remember that the study environment must be relaxed and we must remove those distractions that take us away from our purpose.
Organization of tasks to be performed
Once seated with everything necessary by hand we have to decide how to start our study day. Definitely we have to start with those tasks that are more tedious or more complex since at the beginning of the day we will be fresher and with more motivation. As we move forward in the study time, attention decreases and it costs us more.
In addition to organizing daily tasks, it is convenient to establish calendars, distributing over time those aspects that require a longer study period, such as exams and assignments. This way we will not find work quantities that are impossible to manage in a short time.
Be realistic when organizing tasks
We are all aware of our ability to work, and although the practice of it is increasing, at first it is of utmost importance to adapt our objectives to our possibilities.
It is preferable mark low objectives and go adapting them little by little with respect to our ability to set impossible goals and feel the frustration of not reaching them every day since this fact causes the motivation to decrease.
Make breaks
Around 60 minutes of continuous study (in the adolescent or adult) the attention drops markedly and fatigue appears. It is preferable to use 10 or 15 minute breaks to continue, because if we do not take breaks, the effectiveness is lower and we would need more study hours to learn the same contents.
Read actively
When we find ourselves with a syllabus it is not enough to read it and reread it to learn it. It is much more efficient to read carefully while underlining and making notes in the margins that later they serve us to make schemes or summaries.
Summaries and schemes
Once the contents to be studied have been analyzed, it will be easier to retain them if we "do ours". That is, if the we write and summarize with our own words.
Memorization tricks
There are several methods like for example recite out loud, perform a pseudo presentation for invisible assistants, invent creative phrases that give us clues (Hydrogen, Lithium, Beryllium = There are beautiful flashlights), use letters of questions and answers made from knowledge and play in groups, etc.
Propose small objectives
Self-motivation is very important When we talk about study, we have to see how little by little we are progressing and achieving small objectives. For example, suppose that for today we must memorize 5 pages of our agenda. Well, we can reward ourselves with each page learned with a playful activity that lasts no longer than 15 minutes.
In this way and with this small game we will go from small objectives (one page) to the desired objective (the 5 daily pages).
Positive messages
Finally we have to be good to ourselves and bombard ourselves with positive messages of the type: you have already learned more than half of the agenda, you are able to finish it today, today is the first day and you have organized the whole study and you have even looked at the agenda, etc.
Studying is not easy, but if we carry our back with feelings of frustration and incapacity, the path will become much more difficult.
Some tricks to learn to study
With exams on the doorstep, there are many students who worry about knowing what can be the best way to study, looking for tips and tricks that allow them learn to study.
Although it is true that study It is something that is fundamentally taught in schools from the childhood stage, there are times that either due to lack of practice or because of forgetfulness, many people do not remember exactly what can be the best way to adopt the habit of study correctly.
There is no doubt that the best habit at the time of studying is to do it for a few hours each day, since in this way the study habit is not lost properly.
This is so, because studying is a process in which a total of four main acts have to be present: comprehension, assimilation, retention and reasoning. Discover them:
- Understanding: It is a primordial act, since to fully understand what is studied allows an effective learning. Of course, it must be taken into account that understanding requires: knowing the meaning of words, understanding the phrase, distinguishing the essential and necessary in the paragraph, and capturing the chaining of the sentences with the rest of the paragraph.
- Assimilation: Tends to be a broader concept than self-memorization itself. A person assimilates something when what he understood makes it something of his own, just as if it were in his mind. This ability to assimilate is extremely important, as it is being aware of what is being said about something and why it is said.
- Retention: It is one of the main functions of memory that we find between fixation and memory. Of course, it must be borne in mind that the study that is unique and purely rote - and meaningless - will have no value. For this reason, to retain something it is necessary to understand it (first step), organize it and do it intelligently. Making a summary, a diagram, a synoptic table or a synthesis can be very useful.
- ReasoningAt present, a lot of emphasis is placed on reflective learning, mainly because you learn better by thinking and finding the reasons for ideas than by learning from memory.
There are also some techniques like Maddox or EPL2R method that can be very useful when studying. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.