How to make a natural anti-wrinkle cream for the face

When we reach a certain age it is very common for us to start worrying about those first wrinkles that begin to appear on our face. And there is no doubt that the skin changes as we go on fulfilling years, of course that as we get older it is possible to start observing wrinkles, age spots and dry skin. In addition, it is very common for the skin to become thinner and lose fat, becoming less smooth and smooth.

With aging, the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) tends to thin, while the melanocytes decrease but those that remain increase in size, hence the aged skin appears more pale, translucent and thin. Age spots can begin to appear in areas exposed to the sun, and changes in the connective tissue reduce both the elasticity and the resistance of our skin, especially in areas exposed to the sun.

Although it is true that aging can not be prevented (or, almost better said, the aging caused by age as we age), it is possible that this aging is not premature, and even when we are older and older, the signs of skin aging do not be so obvious.

Among the basic recommendations that many specialists in dermatology offer their patients, we can mention: reduce to the maximum and avoid sunburn, always use a good quality sunscreen when you are outdoors (including in winter), use clothing Wear protective clothing and hat whenever necessary, follow a healthy and balanced diet, consume enough fluids and keep your skin moisturized with natural lotions.

The truth is that, at home, it is possible to elaborate natural wrinkle creams that are very useful at the time of prevent aging and the appearance of wrinkles. This time we have selected for you one that by the natural ingredients used in its preparation, will help you take care of your skin, nourish it and moisturize it in an effective and wonderful way. Do you dare to prepare it with us ?.

Anti-wrinkle cream recipe with natural ingredients for the skin

Ingredients that you need

  • 40 ml. of calendula oil
  • 55 ml. of sweet almond oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 25 gr. beeswax
  • A handful of dried flowers of calendula

Steps to make the anti-wrinkle cream for the face

First put in a saucepan or saucepan dried calendula flowers and the equivalent of a cup of water, and let it boil for 3 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix beeswax, sweet almond oil and calendula oil in another saucepan. Mix everything well with the help of a wooden spoon. Then add four tablespoons of the infusion and lemon juice.

Continue beating until the mixture is the consistency of a cream. Ready!.

How to use this anti-wrinkle cream for the face

This anti-wrinkle cream is ideal to use at night. To do this you must first clean and wash your face. Then, once dry, apply the cream gently on the face and neck, and let it absorb before going to bed.

If you want to know more about the calendula you can discover how to make a calendula cream.

Useful exercise against facial wrinkles

In addition to having proposed how to make a wonderful natural anti-wrinkle cream at home, we also want to propose a simple exercise against wrinkles on the face.

It basically consists of trying to move the muscles of the face for about ten minutes daily.

A good time to do this facial gymnastics It is just after you have washed your face when you wake up in the morning, mainly because you will turn it into a routine that you will hardly forget.

You can also perform relaxing massages on the skin, using a sweet almond oil, which will also be useful to relieve the stress of the day.

And if you want to discover more useful and simple tips, we encourage you to read our special about How to tone the face properly with massages.

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All-Natural Anti-Aging Beauty Routine (April 2024)