How to make sweet potatoes roasted in the oven

If you like foods with a soft texture and sweet taste, it is quite likely that sweet potato has possibly become one of your favorites. It is, as you surely know, a wonderful tuberous root belonging to the family of tubers (the same in which we find yucca, yams or potatoes), of characteristic appearance and shape, and whose meat is yellow-orange or white depending on the variety.

And, in fact, it is a tremendously valued food in the kitchen, especially by the youngest of the house, thanks above all to its characteristic sweet taste. On this occasion we want to propose a delicious and different recipe: roasted sweet potatoes, which we can easily prepare in the oven.

As we have already explained at other times, from a nutritional point of view it becomes a very nutritious food, thanks to the high amount of complex carbohydrates that it contributes, which means that they are absorbed slowly. In fact, 100 grams of sweet potato provide around 24 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, it also provides fiber, vitamins (provitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid) and minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron).

As regards the different and different recipes that we can prepare with sweet potatoes, there is no doubt that the fried sweet potatoes they become one of the most succulent options, because they also remind us a lot of traditional French fries. However, there are also sweeter and equally exquisite dishes, as could be the case of the popular sweet potato cake.

Roasted sweet potato recipe

The roasted sweet potatoes They are a wonderful option for those who want to enjoy all the flavor and texture of sweet potatoes, but choosing in turn very much healthier and nutritious cooking methods. And although we can cook them fried, there is no doubt that roasting them is always the best recommendation.

On this occasion we propose an ideal recipe for four people. Take good note.


  • Sweet potatoes
  • Aromatic herbs (optional)

How to roast baked sweet potatoes (processing):

As you will see below, the process is extremely simple and easy.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200º C, heating both with heat up and down.
  2. While the oven is heated put the sweet potatoes under the tap water and wash them well. In this way you will get rid of all the sand that has been stuck on your skin. Then let it drain well.
  3. Put ideal vegetable paper to bake on a baking tray and place the sweet potatoes on top, leaving a little space between them. Place also a twig of some aromatic herb that you like (rosemary for example is ideal).
  4. Introduce the sweet potatoes in the oven and let them cook at the same temperature (200 º C) between 50 minutes to 1 hour and a half, depending on whether the sweet potatoes are very large or small. However, when they have passed the 50 minutes open the oven door being careful not to burn and touch the sweet potatoes with a fork. If they are soft and yield to pressure it means that they are ready.
  5. Take them out of the oven and let them cool down.
  6. Ready! You just have to remove the skin carefully and you can enjoy them.

Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes (September 2024)