How to practice relaxation at home
We live in a society stressed by nature, in which it is rare not to feel nervous, stressed or anxious, especially because of the rhythm of life that we tend to carry every day. It is "normal" to do our chores running from one side to the other, without hardly giving us time to breathe. The consequence? We tend to live with stress, so that our defenses weaken, we catch cold or get sick more often, we suffer more digestive and stomach disorders such as emotional gastritis (besides diarrhea, constipation, ulcers, irritable colon or disease) de Crohn), and we also tend to get older sooner.
For all this, practicing relaxation every day is essential when it comes to enjoying better physical and mental health. To achieve this, it is only necessary to practice it for at least 30 minutes. But first we must discover why it is good to practice relaxation every day: it helps us to reduce stress and anxiety, it eliminates muscular tension and therefore we suffer less muscular contractures (especially in the back and neck), it is useful to increase Our level of consciousness helps us to have more positive thoughts and increases our resistance to diseases thanks to the fact that it strengthens our immune system. If you want to practice relaxation at home, it's really easy. We explain what you need and the steps to do it every day.
What do you need to practice relaxation at home?
The elements that I will show you next are optional, although it is true that they are useful to practice relaxation in a more comfortable and / or effective way:
- Aromatic candles or incense.
- Relaxing music.
- Comfortable clothes.
Further, it is very important that the environment be silent and be as calm as possible, that gives you the possibility of relaxing without any problem and also should not make efforts to achieve it. In this case, for example, you can choose those moments in which you know you are going to be alone at home, or if you do not live alone / ask your family or partner to try not to make noise during the period of time that you are going to be practicing relaxation.
How to relax at home, step by step
- Lie on a surface where you feel comfortable. This should be rigid, but not too hard. For example, it could be a lounger, a sofa ... But you should avoid the bed, since you could run the risk of falling asleep.
- Place the body face up. With the legs slightly ajar and the arms extended throughout the body.
- Close your eyelids and avoid moving.
- Breathing during relaxation is very important. Try to inspire for 8 seconds, hold your breath for 8 seconds, and then release the air you held for 8 seconds. As you can see, it's the 8-8-8-8 technique, and it works very well for me.
- Try to keep your mind in White. But if you can not, look at each of your muscles, trying to concentrate and keep your attention, successively, in each of them. Concentrate on relaxing each one of your muscles, one by one.
- Now try to relax your mind. For this you can either keep your mind blank, or if it is hard for you to get it, think about those images that you like and that produce you pleasure. For example, you can think of a paradisiacal beach, in the rainbow, in a sky full of stars ...
It is essential that the relaxation lasts at least 30 minutes. To help your body relax more quickly, it is convenient to maintain this habit regularly, preferably every day, in the same hours. In this way you will turn it into a habit as healthy as it is healthy.
Image | TNS Sofres This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesRelaxation