How to prepare four anti-wrinkle masks
Before delving into the issue of how to make anti-wrinkle masks we must elucidate the reason why wrinkles arise and what are the causes of their appearance.
We will start from the basic premise and general knowledge saying that As we age it is natural that wrinkles appear on our face. But what is the cause that some people see these visitors so feared at different ages as 30, 40 or the late age of 50?
We will begin by commenting that there are factors that accelerate this appearance such as smoking, the use of sunbeds and excessive exposure of the skin to the sun. Now we will go a little more to the cause of the origin of this phenomenon we will pose how the skin is shaped
The skin: its conformation
The skin is made up of three layers: the epidermis (the outer layer), the dermis (middle layer) and the subcutaneous layer (inner layer).
When we are young, the skin covers well the functions of stretching and keeping moisture. The dermis fulfills the function of elasticity through fibers called elastin. A protein from the dermis called collagen also helps prevent wrinkles.
With the passage of time, the dermis loses both elastin and collagen, therefore the skin becomes thinner and it is hard for the epidermis to retain its natural moisture. To this we must add that the natural fat of the subcutaneous layer that gives smoothness to the skin also disappears, therefore the epidermis begins to deteriorate and the dreaded wrinkles begin to form.
The cause of why wrinkles are far from appear in humans some at 30 others at 40 and others at 50 is due to two factors: one is due to the genetic and another to the amount sebum, natural oil of the skin , that each person has in their body.
Natural tricks to fight wrinkles
There are some complete and totally natural tips that can help you when it comes to fighting wrinkles. They are the following:
- Avoid the time of exposure to the sun especially in the hours when the sun's rays hit more on the ground (between 12 and 16 hours).
- Do not use tanning beds.
- No smoking (tobacco steals moisture from the skin).
- Drinking water.
- Moisturize the skin well when you notice it dry, especially in the months that the air is dry.
4 recipes of ideal masks for wrinkles
Next we will offer you four formulas to prepare the most efficient natural masks against the anti-wrinkle fight. They are extremely simple and very easy to do at home. You dare?.
Papaya mask
To do this you must mix two tablespoons of papaya pulp with a teaspoon of oatmeal. You must apply the mask on the face and leave for ten minutes. Then you must remove the product with a damp towel removing gently
Anti-wrinkle soy mask
Process 50 grams of pineapple until it acquires the consistency of a natural juice. Then add soy flour and stir until you get a creamy paste. Apply on the face, let it act for 30 minutes.
Egg and honey mask
You must beat the following ingredients as indicated below: first beat an egg white, add a spoonful of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Once it is well mixed, apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes. Remove the mask with cotton moistened with warm rose water.
Avocado mask
Make a paste with the avocado. If it is too dry, add a little water or lemon juice to make it more creamy. Then apply on the face and remove after leaving for 15 minutes. It is worth mentioning that the avocado nourishes the skin with vitamin E.Masks Beauty recipes