How to prevent mononucleosis

The mononucleosis, also known medically as infectious mononucleosis, and more or less popular as the "kissing disease", it is an infection caused by the virus of Epstein-Barr, which usually affects children and young people, being more difficult cases in adults (probably because they have already passed).

Their symptoms are actually very similar to those of the flu, hence it is common that they usually tend to be confused, mainly because except in severe cases (in which there is inflammation and size of the liver and spleen), the only form of diagnosis accurate is through a blood test that looks for two antibodies that appear during or after infection by this virus.

As we mentioned in a previous note, the key to prevention is to know how mononucleosis is transmitted or spread, since if we take into account that the only forms of contact are through direct contact through saliva (for example, example, through kissing, sneezing, coughing or sharing utensils to eat or drink), the keys to preventing it are something more than clear.

Indeed, although there is no vaccine against the Epstein-Barr virus as it does with the annual flu vaccine, the key to prevention is to ensure that we avoid direct or intimate contact with people suffering from this disease. The following basic health tips can also help:

  • Follow a balanced and balanced diet, opting for foods rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Practice exercise every day.
  • Rest between 7 to 8 hours each day, which will help you not to be tired.
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially before eating, using hot water and soap.
  • Avoid sharing cutlery, glasses and other utensils both food and drink.
  • Avoid sharing small spaces with the person who has mononucleosis, especially when they cough or sneeze.
  • Try coughing and sneezing always covering your mouth and nose, preferably in the crook of your arm and elbow.

Image | mcfarlandmo

This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesInfections

What You Don’t Know About Mono (April 2024)