How to prevent overweight easily with these 8 tips

Overweight and obesity are defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can be detrimental to health. Moreover, it is a consequence of several serious diseases that could lead to the development of different types of cancers.

That is why preventing overweight is very important to gain health, both physically and psychologically. To know if we are overweight we must know the weight divided by the size squared. When the result is equal to or less than 25, our weight is correct, but if it is from 26 to 29, then we may be overweight and the thing go over. If you pass these figures we talk about obesity.

Photo: Wand_Prapan / Istockphoto

A disease on alert

It is estimated that obesity is involved in one in every 20 cases of cancer. In certain countries, the risk of overweight is greater, especially in developed countries and, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), overweight is related to the development of diseases such as diabetes and pressure high, which in the long run can cause death.

Tips to prevent overweight

1. Eat a healthy diet

When we eat properly, that is, based on the foods that are part of the Mediterranean diet, as recognized by WHO, we can cope with and reduce our overweight. This is to consume seasonal products and land, fruits, vegetables, dairy, etc. A varied and balanced diet is the best way to prevent overweight.

Otherwise, with a diet rich in animal proteins, processed, fats and sugars, develops overweight, and therefore, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and pancreas or osteoarthritis problems.

2. Practice regular exercise

Healthy eating is not enough to be healthy and lead an optimal lifestyle. To cope with overweight it is necessary to exercise weekly. If it's a lot better every day, but if we can not then we'll do it about three days a week.

There are many ways of doing sports, from more specific routines in the gym, to swimming, dancing, walking ... in short, moving. The practice of exercise should be instilled from very small, because overweight can already appear in children.

  • Tips for exercising at home

3. Fiber consumption

High-fiber foods stand out among the foods we will eat to cope with overweight. We can find it in many foods, for example in fruits, vegetables, in green and raw vegetables and in wholegrains. The fiber helps to regulate the intestine, make our digestions are not heavy and eliminate toxins more quickly.

Photo: Steve Debenport / Istockphoto

4. Abandon bad habits

A sedentary life is responsible for the increase of overweight in the population. And if we add smoking and drinking to it, then the risk is greater. To lead a healthy life is to put aside tobacco and alcohol. In the same way we will reduce the consumption of salt, fat, and sugars.

5. Full breakfast

Many people believe that not having breakfast is a good habit and that you can lose weight. But this statement is not correct because a hearty breakfast is recommended to have the necessary strength. Then you can eat something at midmorning, have lunch, have a snack and finally have dinner.

That is, you can make 5 meals a day, but a moderate amount (except for breakfast that must be very complete).

  • Oatmeal with apple and honey, the ideal breakfast

6. Chew always slow without hurry

It is true that we currently eat very fast because of the standard of living we have. Even so we should try to eat slowly, taste the food and chew properly.

7. Diets always with the recognition of a professional

If we have thought about dieting to reduce fat, we can not do it for free. We will need the advice of a professional to follow the diet that we demand. Each person is different and there are no general diets that work for everyone.

8. Educate from home, school or society

A good diet and the performance of continued exercise is something that should be instilled from small from home. It is part of an education to not encourage overweight. It starts at home, in the whole family, continues at school to continue in other social groups.

Photo: oksun70 / Istockphoto

How to know if we are overweight

To know whether or not we have excess fat, it is extremely useful to apply one of the most used formulas in this regard (you can also use our BMI calculator).

As you know, to make this calculation you must use the weight (in kilos), divided by the size (in meters) squared. If the result is equal to or less than 25, we are not overweight (there is normal weight). If it is between 26 and 29, there is overweight. In case of being 30 or more, we are already facing obesity.


  • Trolle Lagerros Y. [Aerobic physical activity and dietary advice advocated in obesity and overweight]. Lakartidningen.2015 Nov 17; 112 pii: DRAL. Available at: //
  • ten Have M, de Beaufort ID, Teixeira PJ, Mackenbach JP, van der Heide A. Ethics and prevention of overweight and obesity: an inventory. Obes Rev. 2011 Sep; 12 (9): 669-79. doi: 10.1111 / j.1467-789X.2011.00880.x. Available at: //

Last revision: 11/29/2018 - 9:37 This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesObesity

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