How to protect the eardrum

The eardrum It consists of an elastic membrane, with conical shape and semitransparent appearance that communicates the external auditory canal with the middle ear, sealing this cavity to protect it. It measures around 9 to 10 mm. in diameter, so it tends to be very thin. In fact, it is covered by very thin skin on its outer face, while on its inner side it is covered by the ear mucous itself. In turn, it has a concavity towards the external auditory canal. It has a color between pearl white and light gray.

We could say that the eardrum is primarily responsible for the auditory process, allowing the hearing to perceive the different and different sound stimuli belonging to the outer salt that arrive through the external conduit. In those moments the eardrum is able to vibrate like a drum, so that from that vibration begins the conversion of sound waves into nerve impulses, which then reach the brain through the different organs of the inner ear. Thus any type of deterioration in the eardrum affects our own ability to hear.

But its functions do not stop there, since also fulfills a very important protective function, protecting our inner ear by presenting a form of membrane that acts as a barrier to prevent the passage of foreign elements (mainly dust), and prevent the introduction into the ear both medium and internal bacteria. Hence, when the tympanic membrane has been perforated (for example by the incorrect use of the ear sticks), it is exposed to the formation of infections.

Tips to protect the eardrum and tympanic membrane

Avoid ear crooks

As we explained to you on a previous occasion, If we insert the ear crook a lot, we run the risk of perforating or damaging the eardrum, even breaking it. While it is true that these damages tend to heal on their own, in severe cases it may be necessary to perform surgery. In fact, severe or severe eardrum perforations can cause facial paralysis, dizziness and hearing loss.

Thus, It is very important to avoid the ear swabs to clean the inside of the ear, being more suitable leave it only and exclusively to clean the outside, removing any remaining wax that could not be eliminated naturally, as well as impurities and remaining dust.

Do not use ear plugs and earplugs for a long time

Excessive use of headphones or earplugs, especially for long periods, can be a risk to the health of your ear and especially to the tympanic membrane, since can cause excess moisture and influence the appearance of possible infections. Not in vain, you can do a test: put a plug in your ear and leave it for a while. When you take it back do not you notice the most humid ear, with a somewhat annoying feeling? Imagine now if you leave it like that for long hours.

The key, as we see, is to try to use helmets or music headphones for a few minutes, or an hour at most. The same should be done with the use of plugs.

Avoid listening to music at a high volume

There is nothing more dangerous for our eardrums than listening to music with headphones and also doing it at a tremendously high volume. If we take into account that the eardrum is the one that makes the hearing possible, if this one tends to vibrate too much due to a very high music we can run the risk of Hearing loss, which will be unrecoverable. The same happens when you go to a disco or a party with tremendously loud music.

The main culprit on this occasion are the pressure waves, since the ears simply do not have enough time to adapt to the variation of the sound. Therefore listening too loud music can even pose a health risk, because the fluid can accumulate behind the eardrum and if the pressure rises too much or is strong enough the eardrum can literally "explode".

How many times have you not experienced the feeling that being in a concert or a disco seems that with the passing of the minutes you have a hard time perceiving more the low level sounds? The reason is that the ear tends to become less sensitive. Luckily, it is enough to rest a few minutes so that the muscle that stiffens the auditory chain of the middle ear relaxes, regaining normal sensitivity.

Protect your ears when you dive into the pool water

Medically known by the name of external otitis, and popularly with the name of swimmer's otitis, we have an infection of the ear canal that affects the channel that transports the sound from outside to the eardrum, which can be caused by fungi or bacteria.Its main cause? The existence of a lot of moisture in the ear, which can be irritated, open the skin of the canal and allow the entry of these microorganisms.

To prevent this, it is sufficient to use earplugs when swimming, and then carefully dry the ears using a towel, in addition to tilting the head to both sides to help the water drain from the ears. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

8 Signs Your Eardrum is Ruptured (November 2024)