How to protect the kidneys

The kidneys They consist of a pair of bean-shaped or bean-shaped organs that can reach the size of a closed fist (that is, approximately 13 centimeters long and about 8 centimeters wide), which we find located at the back of the abdominal cavity, just above the waist. Of course, while the left kidney is located under the diaphragm, the right kidney is under the liver.

With regard to its main functions, as you surely know, are fundamental organs in the process of both detoxification and purification of our body, to be responsible, among other aspects, the elimination of toxins and waste that our body accumulates and does not need. Taking into account many of the functions in which they participate, it is very important take care of the kidneys to maintain your health, as well as know how to protect them.

An especially useful and appropriate option is to perform a kidney purification every so often, so that we help you recover your health and keep your different and different functions in the correct way.

Useful tips to protect the kidneys

1. Maintain a balanced diet

The diet we follow every day is essential not only when it comes to health care, but when it comes to caring for and protecting the kidneys. Fresh foods rich in vitamins, minerals and water, such as fruits, vegetables and fresh vegetables are especially suitable.

Opt for the best foods for the kidneys, which have diuretic and depurative action, so they are very useful because they help the kidney function properly. Vegetables and vegetables stand out celery, asparagus and the eggplant, in addition to fruits like cranberries, the watermelon and the cantaloupe.

2. Avoid following a diet rich in proteins

Even though the proteins are fundamental for our organism (In fact, they must make up between 10 to 35% of the calories we consume each day, around 50 to 175 grams a day), tend to demand extra effort from the kidneys for their removal, especially when we are facing proteins of animal origin.

Therefore, although it is advisable to reduce and not exceed the consumption of foods of animal origin such as meats, eggs, dairy products and cheeses, it is not advisable to eliminate them from the diet.

3. Avoid excessive consumption of salt

Even though Sodium is a fundamental mineral for our body, the truth is that the most common is that we exceed their consumption. And is that although most foods already provide sodium for themselves, the reality is that we usually add more salt to the dishes to give them more flavor. The result? We consume more sodium than we really need every day.

Sodium causes extra effort to the kidneys, so that with the passage of time it can seriously affect its proper functioning. In particular, it can cause high blood pressure or other health problems.

4. Avoid excessive consumption of foods rich in potassium

Both banana and nuts are highly recommended foods within a varied and balanced diet. However, being foods rich in potassium, excessive consumption can be counterproductive to the health of the kidneys. Especially if the kidneys already suffer in advance some type of injury, illness or pathology.

5. Maintain blood pressure controlled

Maintaining a controlled blood pressure, within normal levels, will ensure good renal health. And is that when the blood pressure is above values ​​considered adequate or normal, the kidneys tend to get sick, and may even produce chronic kidney failure.

In this sense, the fundamental thing is to try to always maintain the blood pressure below 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg (systolic / diastolic), since High blood pressure is a health risk, by increasing the likelihood of suffering cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Therefore, a useful and recommended option is to know how to lower blood pressure. Among the most advisable tips, we can mention:

  • Practice physical exercise regularly, which will help you take care of your cardiovascular health.
  • Follow a healthy diet, based on the follow-up of a varied and balanced diet.
  • Avoid unhealthy habits, like tobacco and alcohol.

As you can see, they are very simple tips and very easy to follow, which will help you in a very positive way when it comes to protecting the health of your kidneys.

Images | Hey Paul Studios / rosmary This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesKidneys

How to Protect Your Kidney Health: Avoid These 5 Foods (March 2024)