How to protect the skin in winter from the cold

During the summer we tend to pay more attention to the care and protection of the skin, especially and especially when we go to the beach or the pool and we use the sunscreen to protect our skin from the dangerous and negative effects of the sun's rays. However, did you know that during the winter our skin tends to suffer as a result of different weather conditions ?. The cold, the wind and the humidity can become aggressive elements with our skin, in the same way that -for example- the sun is during the summer months.

In winter the most usual thing is to wrap ourselves whole and not worry about the health and protection of our skin. However, low temperatures tend to be aggressive with the skin, resecting it and causing certain symptoms that often tend to be very annoying: feeling of tightness, cracking, peeling and in some cases eczema.

At the time of protect the skin in winter There are a series of guidelines and basic tips that can be really useful in their natural care, since they are very simple to follow and extremely easy to apply in your day to day.

1. Protect your skin from the sun

As we said at the beginning, during the summer we tend to pay a lot more attention to the protection of the skin against the negative effects of the sun, practically forgetting about it during the winter months. But in the coldest months of the year we must continue doing it: It is essential to protect our skin from the sun using a suitable sunscreen, especially if you go out on the street.

And it is that although the sky is cloudy or it is raining, even so the effects of the solar rays continue to arrive to us, so that we continue exposing directly to our skin.

The recommendations to follow are the same as those we follow during the summer months: use and apply sunscreen 30 minutes before leaving home. And if we spend several hours away from home, use it mostly on the face (if we have the rest of the body covered with coats).

2. Hydrate your skin

During the winter months It is advisable to replace your light moisturizing cream with oil-based creams, since they are more effective at retaining moisture and maintaining adequate hydration when the weather is cold or very cold. That is, the key is to use a cream that has a much more moisturizing action.

So, what cream or oil to choose? Highlights, for example, almond oil, coconut oil or avocado oil.

3. Pay special attention to hands

Given that in winter we usually have most of the body protected by the use of many coats, scarves and hats, we may not pay as much attention to the skin of our hands, since they are usually the most affected during these months by the action of the cold.

The reason is clear: the skin of the hands has less content in sebaceous glands, so it is more complicated to keep them moist, so it is more common to dry and crack, causing that annoying itching.

One solution is to use cotton gloves (never of any other material), and opt pro moisturizing creams that help maintain moisture and provide softness.

4. Be careful with heating

Heating can be very useful when it is very cold at home and we need to heat the room we are in, but we must be very careful, given that by generating bursts of dry air tends to cause the skin to dry further.

In case you have to use heating at work or at home, it is best then to opt for a humidifier, which helps control the humidity in the air and maintain it.

Images | Garry Knight / Till Westermayer

How to Prepare Your Skin For the Harsh Cold of Winter (April 2024)