How to relieve and treat stomach heaviness

It is quite probable that all of us, at some point, have suffered from stomach heaviness. Also known as heaviness of the stomach, it is a very common disorder that feels like a heaviness that affects especially the stomach, which usually runs with discomfort or with a slight pain which can be very uncomfortable. Other related symptoms may also arise, such as gas (flatulence) and heartburn (acids that go up the stomach to the esophagus).

Although stomach heaviness is traditionally thought of as a result of overeating (that is, as a result of having eaten copiously), it can also arise after having ingested certain foods and beverages that can cause stomach irritation, as is the case of foods and very fatty foods, certain sauces, alcoholic beverages, sweets and industrial pastries, and chocolate. It can also appear after eating fast.

From a natural point of view it is possible relieve stomach heaviness, especially if you follow some natural tips that help in a positive way in the treatment of stomach heaviness.

Tips to prevent stomach heaviness

Before the heaviness of the stomach appears it is possible to prevent it easily. For this it is important to follow a diet as varied and balanced as possible, rich in fruits, vegetables and natural vegetables, which help to provide our body with all the nutrients we need every day and do not fill our stomach much.

It is also fundamental Do not eat in excess. Actually it is very simple, since it is enough to put on the plate small amounts of food and eat slowly, which will give your stomach time to send the signals that will indicate to your brain that you are satisfied, so you will eat less than if you did it quickly. In this sense it is equally important chew food well and do it slowly, since in this way you will salivate more and your stomach will cost less to digest what you eat.

After eating you can opt for a yogurt, which turns out to be a dessert that, besides being nutritious, is highly digestive, useful for improving intestinal transit and contributing to the regeneration of the intestinal flora.

How to treat stomach heaviness naturally

Opt for digestive infusions

There are certain digestive infusions which are very interesting when the heaviness of the stomach appears. The most useful, recommended and recommended are the following:

  • Infusion of chamomile with anise: to make this infusion put in a saucepan the equivalent of a cup of water and bring to a boil. When the water starts to boil add a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers and another one of green anise, and let boil 3 minutes. After this time turn off the heat, cover and let rest another 3 minutes. Straighten and drink.
  • Rosemary infusion: to make this digestive infusion put in a saucepan the equivalent of a cup of water. When the water reaches the boiling point add two or three rosemary leaves, boiling for 3 minutes. After this time turn off the heat, cover and let rest another 3 minutes. Straighten and drink.
  • Infusion of milk thistle: put a cup of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add 2 tablespoons of milk thistle, and let boil 3 minutes. After this time turn off the fire, cover and let rest 3 more minutes. Finally sneak and drink.

Consume yogurt with papaya

As indicated above, the yogurt is an excellent digestive, becoming one of the best natural foods that exist for our digestive system, thanks to which it protects against the natural acidity of the stomach. Also, if you opt for probiotic yogurts, they become an excellent option to regenerate the intestinal flora.

On the other hand, papaya is a very digestive fruit for its richness in papain, which stands out for being a digestive enzyme especially recommended when for example we suffer from indigestion, heaviness and have ingested proteins of animal origin.

In this sense, eat yogurt with papaya It is the best dessert for which we could choose, even more so when we suffer from heavy digestion and heaviness in the stomach. To make it you just have to put a natural yogurt in a bowl or bowl and add a few pieces of papaya.

Lemon juice with baking soda

The lemon, just like oranges, they are citrus fruits that help to relieve the heaviness of the stomach, by stimulating the production of bile, detoxifying the liver and accelerating digestion. Of course, you must be careful because they can cause heartburn.

In the particular case of stomach heaviness, a simple natural option when it comes to relieving it is to take lemon juice with a teaspoon of baking soda. To make it you just have to squeeze a lemon, add to a glass of water and add a teaspoon of baking soda.

Images | iStock / Dvortygirl This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesDigestion Gastrointestinal disorders

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