How to relieve dry cough naturally with home remedies

Basically we could define the cough as the violent, abrupt and noisy expulsion of air from the lungs. This cough tends to be caused by the irritation of our airways, or with the aim of keeping the air in the lungs clean in the presence of foreign substances. It becomes, basically, in a very important and useful way to keep our throat and airways clear.

However, when we have too much cough it can be an indication that we are suffering from some type of respiratory disease or condition, which in turn will depend on the type of cough that we have.

For example, productive cough is one in which mucus (or phlegm) is expelled, while dry cough is characterized as a type of cough in which no sputum or sputum is produced, and generally tends to be irritant.

What is dry cough and why does it appear?

Dry cough is also known as irritative cough, fundamentally because it is a non-productive cough, hence from a medical point of view it is also known by the name ofunproductive cough.

And why is it known medically and popularly as a dry cough? Fundamentally because it is a strong cough that does not produce expectoration, not segregating phlegm (when this does happen it is known as the productive cough). Hence, it is also called as unproductive cough.

Unlike productive cough or that does secrete phlegm or mucus, dry cough tends to cause real-and annoying-coughing fits. In fact, those who have already had it are quite likely that they have noticed an obvious difference with productive cough.

And is that while it tends to calm down when coughing and eliminate phlegm present in the throat or swallowing, dry cough is not so easily and simply relieved. That is to say, it does not matter that you cough or swallow with the objective of alleviating it, in reality it will not do much good.

Dry cough appears when the respiratory tract gets irritated, as a consequence of an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa or the larynx, or simply by the penetration of foreign bodies in these pathways. Also an allergic reaction can cause its appearance.

Depending on the cause that causes the appearance of dry cough may also arise or not related various discomfort. For example, when the cause is due to inflammation, it is also common for other symptoms such as sore throat, rashes and constant sneezing to appear.

How to calm dry cough attacks naturally

First of all, we must bear in mind that, in reality, the cough is a defense mechanism that our body uses in order to clean the airways. For this reason, many physicians consider that cough should not be compulsorily suppressed by administering medications or drugs.

Of course, as long as the cough was not very intense or frequent, given that otherwise the mucous could get to suffer damage. In this sense antitussives (cough inhibitor drugs) are quite useful, especially helping during the night when dry cough does not allow a good night's sleep.

On the other hand, from a natural point of view there are some natural tips that can be very helpful, especially when there are attacks of dry cough and we can not find a way to alleviate them. The most useful are the following.

Homemade syrup of anise, cloves and chamomile

At home we can make different homemade syrups especially useful when we are cold or colds. And we can also prepare one that is especially suitable against dry cough.

For this particular case we can elaborate a anise syrup, cloves and chamomile. For this we use a handful of cloves, a handful of chamomile, a handful of green anise, honey and lemon juice.

To make it first we are going to make an infusion with the 3 plants and herbs indicated: put the equivalent of two cups of water in a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes the cloves, chamomile and anise. After this type extinguish the fire, cover and let rest another 5 minutes.

Then strain the drink and mix with plenty of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice, until it acquires the consistency of sticky syrup. Reserve in a glass jar and take two tablespoons of this syrup three times a day, especially in those moments when the dry cough makes an appearance.

Warm milk with honey

Who does not know a home remedy as old as popular, consisting of taking a glass of warm milk sweetened with honey? In the past, our grandmothers used it a lot, mainly because it became an excellent natural treatment when it came to relieving and calming the cough.

Of course, it is a useful option only when there is dry cough without phlegm, since milk is contraindicated in cases of productive cough because it will tend to increase mucus causing even more problems.

To prepare this natural remedy you just have to put milk in a glass and heat it little until it is lukewarm. Then sweeten it with a little honey and drink it little by little. It will also help to soothe the sore throat caused by irritation.

A spoonful of honey

This is probably one of the simplest and easiest dry cough remedies, mainly because you only need a single natural ingredient: pure honey, especially if it is dark honey (which according to different scientific studies is much more effective and healthy than clear honey).

You just have to take a spoonful of dark honey pure bee 3 times a day, until the dry cough improves. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesRespiratory infections

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