How to save and save in the shopping cart with these tips

Before launching to make the purchase without organization, pay attention to a few tips like the ones that we provide below can be of great help.

Sometimes it happens that due to lack of time, we enter the supermarket at the last minute and improvise what we are going to buy on the go without stopping to think that perhaps with what we have stored at home we can prepare more than one meal.

The tips or tricks as we could also call them and then we will facilitate without a doubt will help us not to waste and save in the shopping cart.

It is not about buying less, or taking away our food budget, since we already know that taking expenses on food could be counterproductive.

To be healthy we must feed ourselves and above all adequately, with a healthy and balanced diet, not stopping buying the necessary food for this purpose, because in it we are in good health.

Some useful tips to save in the shopping cart

Make a shopping list

To avoid waste in the purchase is best to bring a list made with the food we need, both fresh and packaged, as well as products intended for personal hygiene as well as household hygiene.

Before making the list it will be good to take a look at the pantry, as if it were an inventory look what we need and especially look what we have to give it out and that does not expire, so we will avoid throwing food to The trash. In this way you will be able to buy only what is necessary.

Check the expiration date and the preferred use date

We must not confuse the Date of Expiry with the Preferential use date since this last indication informs us that the food or product can lose its qualities if it is not consumed on that date, however it still maintains its good condition.

We should also take a look at the fridge before going to make the purchase and check the status of the foods we have in it such as vegetables, fruits, eggs, dairy products and sausages.

Give priority to the vegetables we already have at the time of cooking before replacing them with fresh ones, with the rest of the food we can do the same.

Look at the stocks that we have in the freezer and go taking out and cooking the food that we have frozen and that will expire before, and then replace with new foods.

Reorganizing these spaces that we have mentioned will allow us to make a kind of inventory before going to the purchase, this will allow us to make sure that we are consuming them without throwing any food in the trash.

Another help that we can come very well is to organize with the menus, make a plan of what we are going to eat that week.

In this way we can buy only what we are going to consume, not only spend less, we can be a great help to organize and plan healthier diets.

Plan your weekly menu

The planning of the weekly menu will also allow us to adjust the rations well and adapt them to the nutritional needs of each member of the family.

Before making the purchase, take a look at some brochures of offers of supermarkets that are closer to home, so we can compare prices.

Better to make this comparison with the supermarkets that we have nearby since yes we travel very far in search of these offers, between fuel expense and time spent, the savings will have stayed us on the way.

Once at the supermarket, it is better to buy fresh products such as meat, fish, and sausages at the cut instead of those that already offer us packaged, in the end the offer is not as good, the same with fruit and vegetables, better buy them to the weight.

Beware of offers

We must pay attention also and above all not let us get hooked by the offers that lately have been gaining ground in all the supermarkets.

We refer to the offers as 2 × 1, 3 × 2, or buying two units the second costs us half, or second unit for one euro, and many more offers that advertise in supermarkets.

Before these offers we must take into account that they do not represent the best price nor do they mean savings, since we must buy more to apply the offer.

Buy compulsively, more than we need will not help us save, we will spend more.

As we said at the beginning of this post go to the supermarket with the list and follow the other tips we have been facilitating throughout this post will be very useful.

In many homes, only because of lack of organization, food is thrown away. Organizing ourselves very sure that we can take advantage of everything, making at the same time an intelligent purchase, taking advantage of even the food that day that we have, taking advantage of it from one day to another, even with new recipes.

How Shopping with a Basket Could Save You Money at the Grocery Store (March 2024)