How to strengthen your defenses for the arrival of autumn

Seasonal changes tend to weaken our defenses, especially when that change of season involves the passage of a hot season to a much colder time, with a decrease in sunlight that ultimately directly affects our hormones, and therefore to our entire organism.

It's what happens with the autumn, a station that supposes the arrival of a colder time, with a drop in temperatures and a decrease in sunlight after the change of time. And our health suffers, especially if we have not done anything before to reinforce our defenses and avoid possible vitamin and nutritional deficiencies.

Why autumn affects our defenses so much

With the arrival of the autumn equinox (when the day will last as long as night), and especially since then, the days begin to be increasingly short, producing obvious changes in the duration of sunlight.

The result for our health, particularly in our organism, is more than evident: it appears what many experts call autumnal depression(also known popularly with the denomination of autumnal asthenia). A disorder whose most frequent symptoms happen to have a continuous feeling of sadness, weakness, low energy and demotivation.

As we see, these symptoms are not at all alarming, especially because they tend to disappear as we adapt to the change of season, and the new situation. But at times it can affect us more, causing alterations in sleep, irritability and concentration problems, which ultimately result in more specific problems that affect our day to day (at work, at school, at university ...).

The reason is clear. As sunlight decreases the brain sends certain orders to some hormones, so that our body tends to produce more melatonin (a hormone responsible for regulating sleep and body temperature), so that the greater amount of melatonin we will feel a greater sleep and also more desire to eat.

At the same time this happens, our body secretes a lower amount of serotonin(which is directly associated with the feeling of general well-being of our body) and also dopamine(Hormone that has to do with our ability to concentrate).

Useful tips to reinforce your defenses before autumn

A few months before the arrival of autumn, for example from the last weeks of August and the end of the summer holidays, it is an ideal time to get down to work, take even more care of our health, and above all, try to protect our body and strengthen our defenses to prevent the arrival of the fall bill us.

The truth is that it is simple. But not only is it enough to follow a healthy lifestyle. There are also some tips to follow easily and easily, which will be very useful. We propose you the most useful ones below.

Take care of your diet and your contribution of nutrients

Avoid unhealthy foods, such as sweets and pastries, fried snacks (chips, salty snacks ...), fried and fried foods, alcoholic beverages ... On the other hand, opt for a natural diet rich in essential nutrients, fundamental for our health, and in particular tremendously important for the arrival of autumn.

For example, it is vital to increase the consumption of iron, an indispensable mineral to enjoy a good energy, help us to prevent infections and improve our physical resistance. You will find it in cereals, legumes, vegetables and also in meat.

It is also fundamental maintain an adequate supply of vitamin C, a nutrient that although it is true that it does not help us to prevent infections if it helps to reduce its symptoms, in addition to providing us with energy. You will find it in citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits ...), in addition to vegetables such as peppers (red and green).

We can not forget either the B vitamins, ideal to maintain a healthy nervous system and in good condition, and that you will find in cereals and in nuts such as almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts.

Get regular physical exercise

Practicing physical exercise regularly is essential for our health. And, above all, it helps us to be happier because when we exercise our body secretes more serotonin. The ideal? Try to practice it every day, for at least 40 minutes at a time.

On the other hand, if after the arrival of autumn you feel something sad the exercise will be of great help: go for a walk or run when there is still light. It will help you to revitalize your body and will cause you a greater sensation of well-being.

Practice some relaxation (or meditation)

Believe it or not, Take time to breathe deeply is very useful to recover lost energy. And, especially, it will help you to feel with yourself, to keep calm and to calm down.

Therefore, try to practice some relaxation every day. It does not take much: just have a room at home where you feel comfortable and calm, sit down, listen to relaxing music and try to relax for at least 30 minutes. If you do it daily, you will see the positive results soon. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesAutumn

Stronghold Crusader - Mission 32 | The Plains of Atum (Crusader Trail) (April 2024)