How to take medicines against hypertension?
We know that the arterial hypertension It can become a serious health problem, especially if it is not diagnosed in time, and if, on the whole, it is not controlled or treated.
Although as a rule it is usual for the arterial hypertension can be controlled from the follow-up of a low salt diet (You can have more information in our article about the relationship between hypertension and diet), sometimes it should be used medicines against hypertension to help keep their levels at bay.
Of course, we must not forget that it must always be our doctor who prescribes what antihypertensive medications we must take, given that while it is true that most current drugs combine good tolerance effectively, only he will help us to know which are the most appropriate.
How to take medicines against hypertension
Once the hypertension, it is our doctor who must perform a thorough medical checkup that helps, at first, to know the possible causes that are causing it.
In this sense, it is necessary to know from the first moment that the consumption of antihypertensive medications It is only recommended when it tends to be severe. Or if, especially after a year, neither the physical exercise nor the low salt diet have helped control it.
As many experts warn, anti-hypertensive drugs can be very useful and effective if the following basic tips are followed:
- What is the best time to take them? Always in the morning. In this way we will convert this simple action into a reflex act, so we will not forget it. However, in case some side effects appear, especially in older people, it is best to take them in the afternoon.
- The dose should be prescribed by the doctor, since it will depend on the weight of the patient.
- In case you are taking other medications, you must inform your doctor, as interactions may occur or lose effectiveness.
Image / sundesigns This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesHypertension